Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

A slight shaking brought me out of my sleep. I was super exhausted and strained to open my eyes. "Darling, what do you want.." I moaned slightly and turned my head back into the pillow. My boss stood next to the bed and put my dress and underwear next to me. "Come on, I turned off the cameras." Vox said a little harshly, which made me sit up too. I hissed and held my abdomen because it hurt. "Why did you exaggerate so much!?" I asked, a little annoyed that I could barely sit properly. Vox didn't answer but simply straightened his bow tie. "Son of a bitch." I mumbled which he heard and looked at me warningly. "Hurry up, we have to get to Ted otherwise he'll suspect why the cameras are turned off." Vox said rushing me a bit and lifted me out of bed. I looked up at him, perplexed, until he put me down and I looked at him with slightly wobbling legs. "Holy shit Vox!?" I raged which made him giggle and he stood next to me for support while I got dressed. "You act like you hated it." Vox began mischievously. "But you always asked for more, you dirty little girl." he breathed into my ear, which gave me goosebumps and I let go of my boss. I shrugged off his statement with a wiggle of my hands. "I only said that because of Ted." I rolled my eyes mockingly, whereupon Vox laughed out loud. "Oh please don't lie darling." He teased, slapping my ass. "HEY!!?" I said indignantly but he ignored it and opened the door for me. "Lady's First.." he grinned and staggered me through. As I walked past, I grabbed Vox's arm and wrapped myself around it as I walked. We went back towards the deck where Ted and Matilda were waiting for us. "Ahhh there are our two dirties!" Ted greeted us with amusement and lightly slapped Vox on the back. Then suddenly something clicked and I felt very warm. The two of them could watch us. Damn, I totally forgot about that. I thought to myself, ashamed, clinging to Vox a little more. "Ahh don't worry Y/n we offered it so just don't care." laughed Ted, whereupon Matilda hit him lightly on the arm. She exhaled, somewhat exhausted. "Don't be ashamed. Everyone indulges in such desires sometimes." she grinned at me with a wink, but this whole conversation made me extremely uncomfortable. "Alright, let's get going now." Vox said to change the subject. Ted blinked, somewhat perplexed. "But the jet isn't repaired yet." Ted reminded us, which made me look at Vox in confusion. "I asked one of my people to pick us up, don't worry." grinned Vox, pulling his arm out of my grasp and then putting it around my shoulder. "Come on, sweetie, we've annoyed these two long enough." Vox joked playfully, running towards a blue helicopter. In this one I saw Valentino already peering out of the window. "Nonsense, you're not annoying anyone here. But if you really want to get going then we don't want to stop you." Ted said and pressed Vox to finish. Matilda said goodbye to me with a kiss on the cheek left and right before we walked to the helicopter. "So you two? Whats up, Fucked nicely?" Valentino greeted us with a mischievous grin. "Shut up Val. I'm exhausted." Vox said slightly annoyed and collapsed onto the seat, exhausted. Confused, I sat down next to my boss and across from Val. Vox closed his eyes to regain some energy while Val made strange gestures at me. I tried to interpret him until he let his thumb and index finger form a ring and poked through the circle again and again with his other index finger. "Did you two fucked?" He asked quietly trying not to attract Vox's attention. I wasn't sure if I should reveal it so I glanced at Vox. Then back to Val and tried to just ignore him. He started laughing loudly but still didn't want to wake up Vox because otherwise we would both get shit on. "Holy shit you guys did!?" the pimp asked, dumbfounded. I looked out the window tensely as Val continued to talk. "Well Vox certainly had his reasons for fucking you but hopefully you were aware that his cum is fast." Val remarked, ending the conversation when he noticed I was trying to ignore him. But he had caught my attention again and I looked at him with wide eyes. "What does that mean!?" I asked, a little upset. "Just sayin' Vox kept cumming inside you?" "Valentino what does that mean!!?" I said a little panicked. "bitch. If you're unlucky you'll soon have a little brat in your stomach." Val grinned and I looked at Vox in shock. "Buuut you can't get pregnant in hell." "Who told you that shit?" Valentino asked confused and I pointed to Vox.  "You really are the two dumbest sinners out there. Of course you can get pregnant, how do you think all the imps running around here come from. They aren't just some dead humans, sweetheart." "Fuck!!" I said which made Vox wake up. He glared at me with one eye. "What are you shouting about!" Vox hissed at the two of us. I swallowed not knowing what to say. Then Valentino opened his mouth to do it for me and I kicked him against his leg. "OW!! Stupid bitch!" Val cursed, looking at me with gritted teeth. I raised my eyebrows warningly. "Woe!" I suggested with my mouth and he collapsed back into the seat, grinning. "My mouth stays closed." he grinned, crossing his arms over his chest and Vox looked at the two of us confused from the side. He raised an eyebrow and eyed me sideways. "It's okay sir." I reassured him, whereupon he rolled his eyes bevor closing his eyes again.  "Oh, that could be fun." Val laughed to himself and I motioned to kick him again. "Dare you to kick me again!" he warned. "Then what?" I provoked him. " THEN BOTH OF YOU CAN SLEEP OUTSIDE TODAY!" Vox shouted at us, whereupon we were quiet and from there spent the flight to the main building in silence.

A few days passed after this meeting with Ted, but the fact that my boss might made me pregnant made me nervous. I can't just go to Vox and say that I'm probably pregnant by him. Even though it was his fault. I thought, wiping my face in frustration. "Y/n could you give me a hand here?" Angel brought me out of my thoughts. I immediately lifted my head and went over to him. He wanted me to tighten his new corset a little more. "So?" I asked after I had already tightened it extremely tight. "harder!" He said, whereupon we went to the couch and I sat on his back. I pulled it so hard that Angel had to gasp for air. "Perfect!" he said squeezed. I looked at him worriedly as I got off his back. "Is that okay or should I loosen up a little?" I asked putting my hand on his back. He smiled reassuringly at me and glanced quickly from my face to my breasts and then back to my face. "Don't worry, sweetie. That's perfect, thank you." he winked but wasn't finished yet. He rested his head on his hand and looked at me while checking me out. "Do ya breasts have gotten bigger or am I imagining it?" He asked pointing his index finger at my chest making me feel uncomfortable. "I hope you're just imagining it." I replied worriedly, which now made him look confused too. "Why Are you pregnant?" He asked amused but I just looked at him dully to show him that he was right. "Wait WHAT!!? From who?" he asked with a slight grin. "From Vox...???" I giggled nervously and Angel's mouth fell open. He couldn't believe it and it took a few minutes before he could speak again. "Woah sick! And how was it? Does he have a long cock?? Does he play dirty?? Does he talk dirty?? Is he-" "ANGEL!! Wrong time. What if I'm pregnant by him! What do I do then ." I asked him depressed but he didn't know what to do either. We both got up from the couch and just as Angel was about to say something the door slammed open. "Angel! GET YOUR ASS IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA NOW. And Y/n!!" Valentino looked at me sharply before motioning for me to run after him. "Come with me." He said meanwhile and I did what he said. He took me to the bathroom where there were 2 pregnancy tests. "Make them and then come get me." He said calmly and closed the door before leaving the bathroom. I looked at the bathroom door, confused by Valentino, before I turned to the tests, swallowing hard. "Oh please don't..." I mumbled and took the tests. I didn't look at it though, I was too nervous when the door suddenly opened and Val looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "And?" He asked eagerly and closed the door after he came in. "I have no idea, I didn't look.." I replied, which made him roll his eyes in amusement. He picked up the test with two of his four arms and then crushed it in frustration, making me look shocked. "Hey, I wanted to look too!" I said indignantly. "once
Positive and once negative. There's nothing we can do from now on except wait." Val said, crossing his arms over his chest. I pulled my hair in frustration. "That can't be true!!" I swore a little, pulling on my hair. Then I saw something up to Val. "I have to tell Vox," I said, whereupon Val immediately shook his head. "Bitch. I know we two aren't the best when it comes to nice words so I'll explain it to you differently. This is a Damn stupid idea." I rolled my eyes and leaned against the sink. "What else do you think I should do???" I asked annoyed and he just grinned stupidly. "Continue as before and don't let anything show " he said, grinning down at me, before he opened the bathroom door for me to go out with me. Just as the two of us came out of the room, Velvette and Vox came up to us and looked at us confused. "Valentino. Can't you find someone else to lick around with?" said Vox, exhausted and annoyed, rolling his eyes. "Sure, how about you, huh?" Val flirted hornily, lighting his cigarette stick. Vox shook his head. "Not today. I still have to think of a new format." Vox replied, which now made me raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Again?" I asked nervously, trying not to meet my boss's gaze. But he didn't seem to notice my nervousness. "Yes, we do need to reach more age groups." "So will the next format be for toddlers? Voxbob Squarescreen?" I joked, which also made Vox grin a little. "Funny." he said ironically before his expression became monotonous again. "Come on Y/n, the others are probably already in the office." Vox said, waving me behind him . Val looked over at me nodding again and I nodded back to him before quickly running after Vox. Next to my boss, I started to get nervous again. Should I really not tell him about our suspicions? "Y/n, you've been acting a little strange for a few days ? Is there a special reason?" Vox asked with his gaze straight ahead. I immediately tensed up and looked up at Vox in the negative. "No nonsense. Everything's great." I smiled stupidly, which made Vox raise an eyebrow and he held me by my shoulders. I was now forced to stand opposite him and looked up at Vox tensely. He smiled softly and ran his hand up to my cheek. "You're not like that because we slept together, are you? To make you feel better. The night means nothing to me. It's all forgotten and never happened, okay?" he said, letting go of me but still looking down at me, waiting. But nothing came from me. "Or do you want it to have meant something?" I came to myself again and said no immediately frantic. "No no!! Excuse me sir. Of course the night has no meaning for me. I'm just a bit preoccupied at the moment. There's no reason to worry." I assured my boss calmly, whereupon he nodded conscientiously. "Very well, then we've sorted it out." He smiled happily, clapping his hands together before he went into the office with an annoyed look. I let out a sigh of relief, "Fuck."

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