Step by step dancing

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Sitting across the dreams
We loved the moments
Yet the question still remained unanswered
we gotta keep the ball rolling
The markings change
The idols move
Nighttime sensation
Smiles and kisses
Duties and vices
And then void , abyss
I scream yet all I get is a distorted echo
I dream yet all that's returning is the sweetest sting of nostalgia
Of an utopia I never lived in
Mind tricks and still life
Sense of control turned out to be as fleeting as time
Things left missing and so much needed and desired
People coming going
Life and art dancing around
In their eternal dance or show
And then the crowd applauds catharsis and damnation not sure or not appearing to be sure of what it's going to be for each one of them.

Τα φιλιά μου στο χάος
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