New Moon Reflections

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The nymphs danced around
Satyrs laughed and celebrated
Wine was pouring on empty cups
Love was filling beating hearts
The forest was full of life
And the cold human cities were something of a past so distant to remember completely
New moon Reflections in the calm dark sea
The water ran wildly and clean
Miracles of an utopia in cities made to last
People giving a damn about the rest of the world
Giving a damn about something more of technology and their concept of civilization
Prometheus at last was somewhat glad of his sacrifice in Tartarus
It all made it worth it
I tried closing and opening my eyes
Yet it seemed like a newfound truth made to last till our utopia turned dystopia again and till our fragile peace and social contract give its place to conflict and bloodshed
A reality of peace right after the event zero
We treated our wounds to heal
We searched for answers and ways to forgive and forget
Our biggest wonder our peaceful coexistence between us and with nature without thinking about ending it all in a bloody cold way

A/N: Images we long for in a new world and era
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