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𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐌𝐋𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐓 apartment that seemed more like a cave carved from ice, Iluliaq, laid sprawled atop his bed. The room was so cold that one might imagine seeing their breath fog before their eyes. Iluliaq, impervious to the chill that would have others shivering, was clad only in his underwear, his expression a mixture of disinterest and mild irritation.

At the foot of his bed stood Hawks, with a smile that shone as brightly as the sun that never seemed to reach the inner sanctum of Iluliaq's frozen lair. Hawks, who had learned to navigate the icy temperament of his protégé as much as the literal cold of his living space, was bundled in a thick fur coat- a stark contrast to the scantily clad Iluliaq. The coat remained at the apartment, a testament to the many uninvited visits.

Hawks, beaming with that irrepressible enthusiasm of his, broke the silence. "Frostbite! Get up! The U.A recommendation exams are starting in a few hours! I already made you breakfast!" His voice echoed slightly, bouncing off the icy walls.

Iluliaq shot him a cold glare that could have frozen over a volcano.

"Keigo." He began, his voice dripping with the kind of annoyance one reserved for a fly that kept buzzing around. "I gave you a key to my apartment for emergencies. This is the ninth time this month you've abused the privilege just because you feel like it."

He swung his legs over the bed, the chill of the room a familiar embrace as he made his way to the kitchen where the scent of tamagoyaki, a dish he'd come to appreciate in this strange world, wafted through the air.

Hawks trailed behind him, undeterred by the frosty reception. "This isn't a 'just because' situation!" He retorted, his tone taking on a playful chastisement as if scolding a child. "Today is your entrance exams, remember? It's a big day!"

Iluliaq reached the kitchen, his gaze falling upon the Japanese omelette that Hawks had prepared. He picked at the food with his chopsticks, his movements precise and detached.

"I remember perfectly well." Iluliaq replied, the boredom in his voice as clear as the ice surrounding them. "It's just another test. Nothing to get excited over."

"But it's not just any test." Hawks persisted, leaning against the doorway with a smirk. "This is your chance to officially join the hero course. You can't tell me you're not even a little bit pumped about that?"

Iluliaq paused, a piece of the tamagoyaki halfway to his mouth. "Excitement is a distraction." He said flatly. "Emotions cloud judgment. I'll do what needs to be done, as always. That's all there is to it."

Hawks laughed, the sound warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the cool atmosphere of the room. "You always play the tough guy, but I know there's a fire in you, Frostbite. Maybe you'll find something at U.A. that'll thaw that icy exterior."

Iluliaq's cool indifference remained steadfast as he continued to eat, his focus on the food rather than the conversation at hand.

"Absolutely not. They aren't worth a moment of my time." He stated flatly, his tone as icy as the apartment they were in.

Hawks let out a resigned sigh, taking a seat in front of Iluliaq at the small table in the kitchen. He regarded the prince with a mix of concern and exasperation. "I know you like to play the lone wolf, Frostbite, but you've got to remember the rules." He said, his voice tinged with a hint of pleading. "No killing, no causing irreversible harm mentally or physically, and definitely no threatening to murder or maim. We've been over this."

𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐒: bnha x atlaWhere stories live. Discover now