SOPE Wedding

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Tae stood in front of the mirror with his shirt half worn on his body

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Tae stood in front of the mirror with his shirt half worn on his body. The black pants were hugging his legs but the shirt needed to be zipped from back. His hands weren't reaching and he was trying to call someone for help.

The door opened and Tae sighed in relief. He had texted Jimin a while back to drop by his room. But Tae was surprised when his would be husband was standing there in a cobalt blue suit.

"Um – Jimin told me you needed help," Jungkook closed the door and stood like an obedient kid.

Raising his eyebrow Tae stood with his back full on display. Well, his bare back.

Gulping Jungkook stared at Tae's back inviting him to do the unspeakable. And that ass. Jungkook sighed and moved his eyes only on Tae's head.

"I need someone to zip me up," Tae batted his eyelashes and pouted seeing Jungkook still standing by the door.

He did remember Tae's words. He wasn't allowed to touch Tae till he was allowed to.

Licking his lips, Jungkook looked at that shirt. How skillfully it was fashioned to be zipped up from top to bottom like a blouse due to which the ass also looked bigger, peachier.

"I can – help you," Jungkook suggested still standing there, "If you allow me to touch you. I mean with your permission baby."

Tae was so turned on by Jungkook's words. Something was in the air. The fact that he was standing showing his skin to Jungkook seducing him unintentionally. And Jungkook – despite being a horny monster – controlling himself.

Sticking his ass out as if inviting for a quick fuck Tae looked at Jungkook in the mirror, "Sure – but you only get to touch the zip and cloth. Not my skin."

So disappointed with his best friend and love, Jungkook sighed and nodded his head.

Sighing again as if he was breathing hard, he moved his hand up and touched the zip.

Tae kept his eyes on the mirror gazing at Jungkook with his bedroom eyes.

Hell! Jungkook didn't even know till then that Tae could have bedroom eyes.

Jungkook's hand landed on the zip as he slowly began to move it down – hands shivering because they were so close to Tae's bare skin.

That honey skin melting the insides of Jungkook.

When Jungkook's thumb unintentionally grazed Tae's skin a bit both felt electricity run through their bodies.

Tae's back arched more and that was enough for Jungcock to wake up.

"Kookie – don't," Tae pouted and looked down because he felt like he would just faint.

Faint with the insane desire to touch Jungkook.

Jungkook's phone beeped – it was his father asking if they saw Yoongi or Hobi anywhere.

Licking his lips, Jungkook slowly zipped the shirt without touching any skin and excused himself in the bathroom.

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