Jeon Taehyung

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When they got back to the city everything changed in a moment

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When they got back to the city everything changed in a moment. As soon as they landed in the famous hotel where their they were engaged - Tae and Jungkook were informed that they were getting married the next day.

"What?" Jungkook yelled at the top of his lungs.

Stormi appeared after a while with an Ipad in her hand. Apparently, all the parents had decided that it was better to get them married as soon as possible since the venue was still available.

"God - my father is the poorest millionaire in Korea," Jungkook cursed and saw Stormi's dejected face.

Stormi cleared her throat, "Also - um - tomorrow is your wedding, and the day after tomorrow - you two are leaving for honeymoon with Yoongi and Hope."

"What?" Jungkook yelled again and looked everywhere for Tae.

But he was with JG. Perhaps she was telling him the same thing.

"Yes - your flight tickets and hotel - all booked."

Sighing, Jungkook asked so frustrated, "Where are we going for our honeymoon?"

Smiling Stormi informed seeing Jackson waving at her from his balcony, "Scotland."

"And the very next day? So it means we won't even get to have wedding night?"

Stormi shrugged, "Depends!"

The wedding started around the afternoon since all the preparations weren't made. after the wedding, other rituals began and they went on till midnight.

Poor Tae couldn't even enjoy his wedding food and fell ill.

He slept for a while and then was woken up since they had a flight to Scotland.

In the car, Tae again slept on Jungkook's shoulder and Yoongi shook his head.

"I guess you are having a wedding night in Scotland," he murmured and saw Jungkook controlling his anger.

"Or maybe - you know - the plane has toilets," Yoongi just suggested.

Toilet? First time ever with Tae in a toilet?

"Babe - you okay?" Jungkook asked once Tae took his medicines as they sat in the plane.

Tae nodded his head, "I can't believe I fell sick on my own wedding."

Jungkook kissed Tae's cheek, "Wanna listen to some music?"

When the plane started Tae again began to close his eyes due to the medicines and dozed off on Jungkook.

Suddenly, Jungkook realized that Hobi and Yoongi were missing.

They appeared after 20 minutes looking so flustered.

"Don't tell me," Jungkook shook his head and saw a hickey on Yoongi's pale skin.

"We were just using the toilet," Yoongi shrugged and sat beside Hobi.

When the food arrived Tae finally opened his eyes and took out a small packet.

"Kookie - my mother gave me this," he informed and showed a little powder inside the packet.

"She said that if we both mix this powder in water and drink it then we will become parents in one year. But for that first, we need to drink this for 14 days without touching each other."

Jungkook just stared at Tae.

He had already gone for so many days without touching Tae. This powder would kill him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jungkook asked with a deadpan face.

Yoongi heard and turned around giggling at Jungkook's dead face.

Laughing Tae informed, "Sorry - Stormi told me to say it. Jackson gave it and told me to have it on our wedding night."

Jungkook's curiosity flew straight to Scotland upon hearing that.

"What? Jackson?" he asked.

But Yoongi had grabbed the packet, "I want if Jackson gave it."

They both fought for the packet and it fell on their feet.

"Min Hope," Jungkook groaned in anger, "Keep your man in control."

Jungkook folded his hands against his chest like a kid and sulked.

Tae kissed his cheek, "I got another packet in my other bag."

Touching their foreheads, Jungkook kissed Tae's nose, "I love you Jeon Taehyung."


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