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For two whole days, Jungkook didn't talk to Tae properly

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For two whole days, Jungkook didn't talk to Tae properly. He did his best to avoid Tae – locking himself in the room and working day and night.

It was finally their day. Their engagement day.

Tae was sitting in front of the mirror – his face all dolled up and his hair all in place. He was almost ready except the clothes.

He heard the door opening and thought it was the make-up girl but it was Jungkook – all dressed up in black.

"Kookie?" Tae smiled and turned his face around.

Jungkook sat beside him and his eyes went to Tae's hand. He wanted to touch Tae's hands.

"You can touch," Tae offered his hand and felt Jungkook intertwining their fingers together.

Smiling sadly, Jungkook apologized first, "I am so sorry baby. So sorry for being mad at you. I have no right to be mad at you. I mean – of course – how would be recognize me. You and I – never touched each other like that. I am so sorry."

Tae just sat and heard his every word.

"Thighs," Tae pouted and plated with his newly done nails.

Jungkook shook his head and saw Tae looking up at him with his bedroom eyes again.

"I love your thighs Kookoo," Tae blushed and looked down again, "I was too embarrassed to admit in front of everyone."

Laughing, Jungkook caressed Tae's hands and his eyes went to the clothes hanging by the cupboard.

"What the fuck is that, Kim Taehyung?" he yelled his eyes on the clothes, "You – don't fucking tell me you are going to wear that and go in front of everyone."

Jungkook looked down and noticed. Tae was crying. His face already streaming with tears.

"Shit – shit – fuck – no – baby," Jungkook wiped Tae's tears and felt him shivering.

Slowly taking Tae on his lap, Jungkook wiped his tears and felt so bad and sorry. Why was he only hurting his Tae?

"If you – don't want," Tae bit on his lip, "I will not wear it. I just thought – I wanted to try something different. Something unique. For you – it was a surprise for you."

Jungkook felt daggers in his heart.

This was the first time Tae had done something for him. Not as a boyfriend. As his life partner.

Smiling, Jungkook purposed something resting his head on his shoulder, "Well – you can wear it but only on one condition."

Tae blinked and waited for Jungkook's request.

"If I get to see it first," Jungkook raised his eyebrow and saw Tae blushing.

Getting up from Jungkook's lap, Tae went inside the room to change. He did emerge after 20 minutes with the backless blazer and tight black pants.

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