Wedding Night

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"Oh my god!" Jungkook stood with Tae gawking at the castle in front of his eyes

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"Oh my god!" Jungkook stood with Tae gawking at the castle in front of his eyes.

He wasn't mad at his father anymore.

He smiled and glanced at Tae who too was staring at the castle with stars in his eyes. Mr. Jeon had booked a five-star castle hotel in the West Scotland for the four. The whole of three storeyed castle was all theirs.

Hobi and Yoongi ran inside the castle like kids chasing each other. The staff carried their luggage and Jungkook carried Tae inside in his arms.

"This is so beautiful Kookie," Tae cooed gazing at the small yellow lights in the corners of the castle.

Their room was on the second floor and Yoongi's room was on the 1st floor. The ground floor had the kitchen and dinning hall. The staff was present for cooking the meals but Jungkook insisted that he wanted to cook for his love.

Tae dozed of as soon as he laid on the bed and woke up in the evening listening to some jazz music playing in their room.

It was Jungkook playing it on his phone while putting their clothes in the wardrobe neatly.

"Kookie," Tae got up and put his arms forward for a hug.

Tossing the white shirts carelessly in the wardrobe Jungkook ran to his love and hugged his soft body.

"Baby – you feeling alright now?" Jungkook kissed Tae's neck who nodded his head.

Yawning Tae looked around and saw it was dark with just a few dim lights in the room. They had a huge balcony which brought the breeze in the room.

"I have cooked some soup and fried rice," Jungkook informed kissing Tae's beautiful, long fingers, "Wanna eat?"

Tae smiled and shook his head, "Later. I want something else now."

Caressing Tae's hand Jungkook smiled, "Whatever my baby wants. I will make it right away."

Licking his lips, Tae put his hands on Jungkook's shoulder and whispered, "I want you to make love to me Kookie. Now. Right now!"

Jungkook thought he was hallucinating. Or perhaps it was the jet lag. Had to be jet lag.

There's no way his dream is coming true.

After so many obstacles.

"Kookie," Tae shook Jungkook who was just staring unblinking at Tae, "You don't want it?"

Jungkook got out of the trance.

Laughing Jungkook asked, "Would Yoongi not want to sleep during day time?"

Confused, Tae shrugged and whispered, "Yes?"

"Exactly! Yes - you big baby - the answer is always yes. But are you sure? You okay? You ready?"

Nodding his head, Tae lay down and patted the space next to his for Jungkook to do the same.

"I still can't believe that this is happening - just a few days back we were on a strange island with Joonie and Jinie hyung and now - we are in a castle in Scotland," Tae giggled and stared at the candles in the room shimmering.

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