Baby time

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6 months later

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6 months later

With his eyes focused, Tae was trying really hard to learn knitting. Jin had given him lessons in the last 2 days but still, Tae was struggling.

Yes, they were back on the island to celebrate their 6 month anniversary.

Slowly, sliding to Tae's side, Jungkook slid his hand inside Tae's loose shirt and began to play with his nipples.

"Kook - stop."

But obviously, Jungkook didn't stop. He began to rub and pinch the nipple hard.

Angry eyes glaring at Jungkook, Tae warned him again but Jungkook threw the knitting kit aside and began to kiss Tae's face and neck. His hands pulled the shirt up so he could get easy access to the nipples.

"Kookie - stop I said," Tae whined trying to kick his husband.

Slurping on Tae's nipple, Jungkook chuckled, "Sooo yuummmmm!"

Tae began to hit Jungkook's head but Jungkook just shifted his attention to another nipple and began to suck on it.

"Koo -"

The door opened and their little moment was disturbed by Jin.

"My god!" Jin exclaimed in shock, "What is wrong with you? Do you ever leave the boy alone? Whenever I walk in the room - you are either fucking him or are in the process of fucking him."

Jungkook chuckled pinching Tae's nipple, "Can't help it. Have you seen my bae?"

Taking advantage of the situation, Tae pushed Jungkook aside and ran to Jin.

"You - come here - now," Jungkook warned sitting on his knees.

Tae rolled his eyes and held Jin's hand as they walked out.

"Jeon Taehyung," Jungkook heard but no one heard him.

Tae, Jin, and the other men and women sat on the boats and enjoyed the evening skies with a pink drink in their hand.

After a while, Jungkook came alone with Namjoon who was giving instructions to someone.

"Kookie," Tae called his husband, "You want some?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned his face around, "I don't want to talk to you."

That hurt Tae. His face fell.

"Are you mad at me Kookie?" he asked in a small crying voice.

Jungkook huffed, "Yes - and I am going with Namjoon hyung for fishing. Goodbye! Enjoy your stupid pink drink."

Jin cursed him and handed another drink to Tae to brighten up his mood.

But the drink fell from Tae's hand and he fainted right on Jin's lap.

"Jungkoook - Jooonieeeee!"

Tae was brought back into their hut and the island's doctor or more like healer was called for. She was an elderly woman with curly hair and dusky skin.

She examined Tae for a while and then announced with a giant smile, "He's pregnant."

Jungkook almost fell but Namjoon held his shoulders tight.

Jin shrugged and spoke, "I am not surprised."

Running to his husband, Jungkook hugged Tae and began to kiss his lips repeatedly.

All the island people with Jin and Namjoon. Since it was a good news - it was a tradition to arrange a feast for all the people. Jin had already started working on it.

Finally, at night they got the phone network as Jungkook called Yoongi.

"Hello - Yoongi? Oh - hello uncle Min - oh - okay - no - I just wanted to give good news. Can't connect to either of our dads so telling you - Tae is pregnant. Yes - thank you. Well - tell Yoongi and Hope. They are okay, right? Okay - fine - thank you, uncle. Bye!"

Jungkook disconnected the phone and lay on Tae's lap, "Well - Yoongi and Hope got arrested again."

Tae's eyes went wide, "What? Why?"

"They were having sex," Jungkook sighed and laughed, "in someone else's car. They thought it was theirs but it was some strangers and co-incidentally it was open."

Tae too joined him and began laughing, "They are something. But - are they out now?"

Jungkook nodded his head and began kissing Tae's belly, "I can't believe it. We did it. In less than a year I knocked you up."

Pouting Tae grabbed Jungkook's hair for the poor choice of words, "It's so weird - just a few months back we were just friends."

"And now," Jungkook took hold of Tae's hand, "I am obsessed with you and so in love with you. My baby. My Taehyung."

Blushing, Tae kissed Jungkook's forehead, "I love you too best friend, best husband, and future best dad."


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