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"Aahh – Kookie – com – coming –"

But Jungkook was so immersed. Immersed in giving head.

They all had forgotten the real world since they arrived on the island. The life here was so different – so chilled. Due to erratic electricity and bad network, they weren't able to contact anyone for help. Not that they wanted any help. They all just wanted to settle down on the island. A place with no care. Jin and Namjoon too made them a part of their own family. Jin was specially so drawn to Tae. He treated Tae like his baby and that caused a lot of fights between Jin and Jungkook.

On the island Jin was there to keep an eye on Jungkook. But he didn't cross his limits. He kept his word and promised that he would wait till the wedding night for sex.

Biting his lip, Tae lifted his head and looked at Jungkook sucking him like his favorite candy. Grabbing Jungkook's hair, Tae tried to push him away but Jungkook didn't budge.

With tears in his eyes, Tae moaned, "Kookaahh – coming. Please – move – aw – away."

Tae didn't like coming in Jungkook's mouth which the later actually enjoyed.

With a smirk and wink at Tae, Jungkook stroked Tae's cock – all the juices spraying on Jungkook's mouth who stuck out his tongue embarrassing Tae.

"Kookoo," Tae hid his face behind the pillow.

Laughing, Jungkook went inside to get a clean towel and clean them.

After Jungkook was done, Tae pouted and raised his eyebrow gazing at Jungkook's still hard rock cock, "You?"

"Tae – it's okay – I – mhhhh."

Tae's hand had already entered Jungkook's pants and both knew that in just a few strokes Jungkook would come like a confetti.

"Shit – I am coming baby," Jungkook moaned and began to take off his pants, "I can't stain these pants or Jin would not give me fresh clothes."

Giggling, Tae helped Jungkook to take off the pants and Jungkook came all over Tae's hands and floor.

"I love you booboo," Jungkook kissed the mole on Tae's nose.

Blushing, Tae kissed Jungkook's cheek, "I love you Koo –"

"Jungkook – open the door – open the door now – I know either you are eating Tae's mouth or you are dead. Open fast!"

That was Yoongi.

Tae giggled and saw Jungkook looking at the door as if he would break it.

"Wait a second – I am naked," Jungkook yelled and knew that would annoy everyone.

Groaning, Yoongi informed, "Come out in 10 minutes. Jin has organized a feast for us. It's our last night here. Tomorrow – our fathers are getting a private jet for us."

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