Mr. Wanker of Busan

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Gently, Jungkook knocked on the door and entered Tae's room

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Gently, Jungkook knocked on the door and entered Tae's room. His room was bright with sunlight and small flowery plants placed everywhere.

"Baby – can we talk – please?" Jungkook stood watching Tae look up at him and pout.

Sighing, Tae pointed to the chair and asked him to sit, "Sure! What do you want to talk, Mr. Wanker from Busan?"

Jungkook almost chuckled but when he saw Tae glaring at him, he pretended he wanted to cough.

Gulping, Jungkook smiled timidly and began his explanation, "I am really sorry for that. Really – really. But I didn't expect that – that truth to come out in such a way. Well, in my defense I – I did it because I was horny but partially its your fault too Tae."

Tae nodded his head intelligently and looked up as if he was thinking, "Hmmm – of course it was my fault that you couldn't keep it in your pants? Huh Jungkook?"

Almost grabbing his hand Jungkook recalled that day and spoke the whole truth, "You remember that day. It was after my break-up with Jimin when I used to live at your place the whole time. We decided to watch a movie since your parents were out. You picked a horror movie. Uncle Kim had given you some work so you were hardly paying attention to the movie and were busy on your laptop."

Blinking Tae asked Jungkook to continue since he remembered that day. But he didn't remember doing anything out of ordinary that day. Anything that would make Jeonzilla to emerge out of its natural habitat.

"That stupid movie had more sex scenes that horror scenes. You weren't watching but I was – and I was so turned on. The girl in that movie – kinda looked a little like you. But I totally ignored that fact. I was almost hard when you finished your work and crawled on my lap. That made things worse."

Tae opened his mouth, "But I always sit on your lap. It's your thing, Kookie."

Jungkook gently held Tae's hand, "I know babe. But I was semi-hard and then you sat on my cock and began to wriggle so much. I – I just couldn't hold it."

Pouting Tae remembered what happened next.

"So – you remembered what happened next – I stormed out of the house saying I have important work at the office. But I went to the gym thinking I will get my mind off you. But even while boxing all I could think was – your ass. And the next thing I know is that I was hard again. That's when I decided to just take care of my problem and got caught by Stormi I think. I don't even remember seeing her face. I just saw it was a girl. I am so sorry Tae Tae. I – I felt so bad and guilty as if I tainted out friendship that I decided to forget the whole thing. This is why I never spoke about this to anyone."

Slowly, Jungkook kissed Tae's hand and made his doe eyes, "So – am I forgiven Tae?"

Smiling, Tae took his hand away from Jungkook, "Will decide later. I need to talk to someone. So, bye!"

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