Picnic and a Prank

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"Here. Take a look at what I got for you." I give her the basket and she excitedly opens it to find...

End of Recap

Sabrina's P.O.V.

"Here. Take a look at what I got for you." Puck passes me the basket and I excitedly open it to find... A MUSKOG?!?!?!(If you can guess which series this is from then bonus points)


"SORRY!! I just couldn't help but play a prank on you to lighten the mood."

I smack Puck and he runs away not wanting to use his wings to cheat. I chase him and keep smacking him. "Now what do we eat, Stinkpot?"

"Calm down Grimm. I have the actual picnic basket." I stop chasing him and go to the picnic blanket. Puck flies off and brings another picnic basket. He plops down next to me and hands me the basket. 

"Puck, I don't trust you. You probably have another prank set up in here." I pass the basket back to him and say "You open it." Puck opens it and pulls out two plates, knives, spoons, forks, and cups. He pulls out plates of pancakes, waffles, hash browns, cinnamon buns, donuts, a pitcher of orange juice and a pitcher of coffee. He also pulled out a can of whipped cream and chocolate chips. "How many people are supposed to eat this?" I inquire but then I remember that Puck has the appetite equivalent to Daphne's.

"Well, I invited a special guest and she'll be here anytime soon." Puck replies

"Who's this special guest?" I ask. Just then a bunch of sparkles appeared next to me. "Oh good. She's here." Out of the sparkles, out popped Daphne. "Daph! I missed you!"

"Marshmallow! You're right on time! Help yourself to all this food."

"Wait Daphne. How is everything like at home? Is Dad calmed down enough or is he still angry about me and Puck?"

"Sabrina, you know that Dad doesn't approve so he would never calm down. He's still fuming. I can practically still see smoke coming out of his ears. Because I love Pinocchio."

"Did he not question where you were going?"

"Actually yeah he did. He stopped me and made me answer all of his questions about where I was going and who I was going to be with because I love Pinocchio."

"Did you tell him where we are?"

"No. I made an excuse that I was going to the park with Red. Because I love Pinocchio."

"But Red's not here."

"Hi." Red says coming out from behind Daphne.

"There's plenty of food for everyone so you can stay, Red." Puck says.


"Wait Daphne. Is it safe to come home yet?"

"No way. Dad's still raging mad and always grumbling that we should have left when we had the chance. He's also always mumbling that he will kill you Puck when he has the chance. Heck, he even asked me what he should kill Puck with, a dagger, a sword, or poison. Because I love Pinocchio."

"Can we just eat now?" Puck says. With that everyone agrees and takes a plate and piles it high with pancakes, waffles, hash browns, cinnamon buns and donuts. Daphne takes a cup and reaches for the pitcher of coffee but I stop her and say "Daphne, coffee stunts your growth and you're barely 11."

"Fine because I love Pinocchio." Daphne grumbles and reaches for the pitcher of orange juice. She pours her and red some orange juice while I pour some coffee in my cup. Puck says in a cute voice "My girlfriend won't pour me some coffee. That's so mean." I pour Puck some coffee as well and he says "That is much better but a kiss would still make everything much better. "No Puck. Not now. I wanna eat this amazing NORMAL HUMAN FOOD!!" 

"Please, please, please,  please, please, please, please, please, please," he says with his cutest face.

"Fine. If it makes you shut up." I kiss him on the lips and he pulls me onto his lap. 

"Puck no." I say after attempting to pull away.

"KEEP KISSING!! Because I love Pinocchio." squeals Daphne. She bites down on her palm. After a few minutes he finally lets me sit back down next to him at eat my NORMAL HUMAN FOOD IN PEACE. 

"So... what's the scoop on you two? Because I love Pinocchio." asks Daphne with a not so subtle giggle.

"You got your wish. Puckabrina has happened and both of us are so happy even though we have been officially dating for a day. Puck snuck into my room this morning to wake me up so we could watch the sunrise, but he thought that I looked adorable while sleeping so he decided to lay down next to me. Now imagine my surprise when I woke up with my head on his chest. I made the Trickster King speechless with my outfit this morning."

"Hey! Grimm you forgot the best part. I pranked her so good today. I put a muskog in the picnic basket and when she opened it she was so mad that she started chasing me. I think that she really wanted to kill me."

"I could never kill you Puck because I love you." 

"Is anyone else secretly chanting "KISS, KISS, KISS" in their head right now? Because I love Pinocchio." says Daphne.

"I am!" Red exclaims. Suddenly Puck pulls me into his lap and starts kissing me again. I go along with it because it feels so good. Abruptly, Puck's tongue stops at my lips asking for permission. I open my mouth slightly and his tongue slithers into my mouth. He swirls it around my mouth and explores all of my mouth. My tongue goes to Puck's lips and stops asking for permission. He allows me to slide my tongue into his mouth. I also swirl it around and explore all of his mouth. He slides his hands into my hair and I do the same to his. I can hear Daphne squealing in the background. This time Red also joins in and she is jumping up and down with Daphne. 

Thanks for reading up to here. Plzzz vote my story. I will try to get the next part up soon but no guarantees. I love you all and please continue to read and vote this story. Thanks! Also plzz try to get this story to at least 200 reads. Y'all are the best and please give me some ideas for this story. I'm trying to keep it PG here.

~Puckabrina4Ever is signing off

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