chapter one

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in which she gets the
job she's always wanted !

MABEL REYES' DREAM has always been to work at anfield, one way or the other. she knew that's where she wanted to be. she had always been a liverpool fan and nothing would be better than getting a job there. the moment she finished applying for the job, she immediately closed her laptop as if she had sent a risky text message to a boyfriend.

mabel's sister, renee, always knew that she was a liverpool fan. but there was nothing she wanted more after achieving her degree was to be there.

on a random tuesday, the day after her interview, she had gotten an email. she opened the email expecting it to say 'sorry this role isn't for you' but instead she read the words 'welcome to the liverpool family!'. she couldn't believe it. the first thing she had done was call her sister and her best friend.

now, this was 4 weeks ago. today is her starting date at anfield. she had never been so nervous in her life. to be around the people she had grew up loving almost everyday is something she never though she would be saying.

"you look fine hun." jade's voice echoes through the hallway of mabel's house, watching her best friend scan over her outfit for the sixth time.

"do i though?" mabel questions, as she brushes her hands against her trousers. she turns to jade and renee watching the nod.

"if you looked bad we would tell you." renee says very bluntly. something about both mabel and renee is that they are very blunt, too blunt sometimes.

mabel huffed before asking, "what time is it?" she turned her head towards the two girls before they answer "it's eleven."

"shit, i need to go." she said running to grab her bag, before turning to the girls once more, "wish me luck!" she says excitedly before running towards the door. before she leaves the door she hears "good luck girl!"

as mabel is driving to the training ground, she mentally prepares herself for how she is going to greet everyone. she will have to meet the players and klopp and that scared her a lot. she grew up watching these people now she was going to be helping them if they were injured. what the hell, she was thinking to herself.

"how the hell have i gone and done this?" she muttered to herself as she drove into the private car park at the training ground, before shaking her head "nah, i'm that girl. i deserve to be here, i've worked too hard to be doubting myself."

as she walking into the large building, she lets out a long breath before walking to the desk, "excuse me, hi i'm mabel reyes. i'm the new physiotherapist!" mabel says smiling as the woman at the desk greets her warmly.

"of course! nice to meet you, i'm hayley. come with me!" hayley says as she gets up and walks in front of mabel.

she knocks on the door of a rather large office. as the door swings open she sees jurgen klopp standing in front of her.

teenage fever, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now