chapter seven

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in which they go on a small
holiday together due to
international break

"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE ACTUALLY DOING THIS." admitted mabel as herself and trent were mid walking on board his private plane, flying to the maldives.

the premier league was currently on hold due to international break for two weeks, so mabel and trent had the late night urge to book themselves a small getaway.

"you regretting it though?" he asked pulling on both his and her suitcase.

"definitely not, we both need this. but my sister will be calling me everyday to make sure you haven't killed me!" she confessed, but it was reality. renee was reasonably very protective over mabel.

"i can understand that." he spoke softly, understanding where her sister was coming from. especially with what the pair had been through their whole childhood.

"you go on first." he moved to the side to let mabel walk the small stairs first.

"wow, you're like really rich." mabel blurted out before even thinking, grimacing when she realised it sounded rude, "sorry i didn't mean it like that." she turned around to apologise to him, making him laugh and shake his head.

mabel watched as he sat down, seeing him point to the seat across from him. hearing him mumble, "sit down baby."

before she sat down, trent tugged on her hand making her land in his lap.

"i'm so glad i'm doing this with you, sweetheart." he spoke quietly, pressing a few kisses on her lips.

"me too, baby." she deepened the kiss, holding the side of his face.

"you better go sit down before we get carried away." he smiles before kissing her once more.

she gets up from his lap, but not before feeling a soft slap to her ass. this makes her turn around and shake her head whilst she laughs.

once the plane takes off, she smiles and looks out the window. enjoying the view, she hears the sound of a camera click from where trent was sitting.

"did you just take a photo of me?" she asked, smiling at the man who was staring at his phone.

"you look too beautiful for me not to." he shakes his head.

"trent." she says, taking off the seatbelt to sit back on his lap. "thank you so much for this, i appreciate you so much." she admitted, kissing his cheek.

"you deserve this more than anyone bels." he smiles, blushing slightly at the kiss left on his face. her lipgloss now shining on his face.

"how long is the flight." she asked, her voice muffled from being pressed against his neck. her warm breath making him shiver.

"not too long, go to sleep. it'll go by fast." he rubbed her thigh.

"can i sleep on you." she asked, almost half asleep already.

teenage fever, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now