chapter four

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in which they wake up
together for the first time

MABEL FEELS THE WARMTH OF THE SUNRISE on her skin as she stirs awake, seeing the bright light peek through the curtains. as she tries to move around, she becomes more aware of the weight on top of her. she slightly lifts her head to see trent's arm lightly draped over her waist.

she turns her head to see him sleeping peacefully, his features looking softer under the sunlight. with a small smile to herself, she softly drags her fingers down his face, admiring silently. mabel questioned how someone could look so beautiful in the morning.

a groan is heard from trent's lips as he forces himself closer to the woman, putting his head in the crook of her neck. his beard tickling her shoulder as she hears him whisper, "i don't want to get up."

"you're gonna have to, you have a game." she says, scratching the back of his neck with her newly done nails, which he paid for.

she hears another groan before feeling him place a small peck on her shoulder, getting up and stretching. she silently watched him once more, seeing his back muscles flex as he stretches. without thinking, mabel drags her nails from the top of his back to the bottom, where she sees his calvin klein boxers slightly peeking out.

he smiles at the feeling of her nails stretching across his back. "you working today yeah?" he asks turning his head to see her nod, "you can wear my jersey then." he orders as he got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"d'ya have a spare toothbrush?" she asks pushing the door open and standing next to him, he hands her an unopened toothbrush. "thank you." she muttered before starting to brush her teeth.

due to the fact she started after trent, he finished before. once he had kept his toothbrush, he crept behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. she puts her hand on his and rubs the back of his hand.

"wearing my jersey?" he asks placing a small peck to behind her ear, smiling as he earns a nod from her.

"won't it be unprofessional though?" she asks, fixing her hair.

"no, why would it be? you're just supporting the team you work with." he grins earning a laugh from her.

"mhm sure." she said, taking his t-shirt off and putting on the jersey he had thrown to her.

"what time do you start?" he asks, putting on a liverpool fc tech.

"the match starts at two, so like an hour before to make sure everyone's okay." she nods.

"i have to be there in like half an hour, do you wanna come watch us train or want me to take you home?" he rushes out as he puts his shoes on.

"i can just come with you, it's fine. i have paper work to do anyways." she paused, before realising something. "hey, i said you couldn't play!" she exclaimed pointing a finger and the taller man.

teenage fever, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now