chapter six

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in which mabel and trent
talk about their feelings

MABEL WOKE UP TANGLED IN TRENTS ARMS, again. feeling his warm breath on her neck, goosebumps raising on his arms.

as she tries to get up to go to the toilet, she feels trents arms tighten around her.

she turns around to see him opening his eyes slightly, offering a small smile.

"trent you need to let me go for a minute, i need to go to the toilet." she softly spoke, her thumb stroking his beautiful face.

"come back quick then." he let go of her hesitantly.

once she rushes to the bathroom, and tries to rush back out. she finds trent still laid on his back, but leaning on his elbows.

"come here baby." he spoke in a hushed tone, eyes still sleepy.

she crawled on the bed over to the scouse man, opening his arms for her to lay in.

"did you sleep okay?" he asked pressing a peck to her head.

"mhm, did you?" she asked looking up at him whilst her nails scratched the side of his head.

"i did. do you um, remember last night? like right before we went to sleep?" he nervously speaks.

she pauses for a moment as the memories from the previous night comes rushing in. their moment, their kiss they shared.

"i do trent." she nods.

"do you regret it?" he asks once more.

"no baby, do you?" she replies before asking him the same question.

"no i don't" he smiles.

"do it again then." she spoke with a burst of confidence, and whilst sober.

"you sure?" he asked, his hand playing with her hair.

she nods before he leans in and connects their lips once again. the feeling so much better now that they were sober and genuinely meaning it. they felt a rush of euphoria they had never felt with anyone else when they kissed.

he pulls away softly before leaving two small pecks on her lips, "i hate to ask this but, what are we?" he mumbles against her lips.

"anything you wanna be." she answers quickly before placing another kiss on his lips.

"how 'bout for now, i take you out on dates, we kiss, spend nights with each other, and we don't see anyone else?" he said pressing a kiss on her lips after every suggestion.

teenage fever, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now