chapter nine

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in which virgil and renee
comfort mabel and words
are shared

ONCE MABEL STEPPED OFF THE PLANE TO A RAINY LIVERPOOL, she almost felt relieved to be at home. though she felt like a horrible person for leaving trent with no explanation, but she was understandably hurt.

the first thing mabel did as she went inside the airport was phone her big sister.

"mabel? are you okay?" renee asks worried at the sudden phone call.

"um, no not really. i'm in liverpool, where are you?" she asked, her voice sounding hoarse and shaky.

"is trent with you?" renee asks.

"no, he's the reason i came back." she sniffled.

"oh honey, i'm at the training centre. it's only me and virgil here, you gonna come here?" she spoke in a soft voice.

"yeah i'll be there soon." she ended the phone call as she adjusted the hat on her head.

she huffed as she walked out of the airport and got a taxi to the liverpool training ground.

the journey to the ground was pretty quick, she arrived within 10 minutes with the ask of her driver to go as fast as they can.

she walked into the centre and walked up the stairs towards where her office was to find renee and virgil stood outside of her office, speaking amongst themselves.

at the sight of the pair, she let out a sob making the two turn their heads toward her.

"oh mabel, what happened?" renee asks, running to comfort her little sister.

"trent, he-." she began as she choked trying to get the words out.

"it's okay, take your time." spoke virgil as he stood behind his physiotherapist, rubbing her back.

"it might seem pathetic, but he was texting hannah. they were planning to meet up, for closure." she spoke, putting air quotes whilst saying closure.

"what?!" renee exclaimed, "it's not pathetic, the biggest red flag in a man is that they're in contact with their ex." she raged, upset with how she trusted this man with her sister.

"i didn't think trent would do anything like this." virgil frowned, disappointed with his fellow player.

"yeah, me neither." mabel wiped the tears from her face, "he said that he was single then asked why i cared so much."

"when i see him-." renee starts, lifting her fist but virgil put his hand on hers, rubbing it as he lowered her hand.

mabel watched the interaction between the pair, smiling to herself.

teenage fever, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now