chapter eight

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in which the cracks in
their relationship starts
to show

* this chapter contains smut, i will give pre-warning if you don't want to read it and you can skip ahead*

"TRENT, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" trent hears mabel yell across the villa.

"what the fuck is what?" he questions.

"hannah texting you?" she asked, walking up to him with his phone in her hand.

"baby wait, i can explain." he stuttered, seeing the angered look on her face.

"go ahead." she slams his phone into his chest.

"she messaged me asking who you were, so i told her you were my girl-" she scoffed as he spoke.

"mabel stop. she said she missed me i said i didn't miss her, she asked to meet up to talk and get closure. so i agreed, but just to have closure. nothing else!" trent argued.

"you still fucking agreed to meet with her after you just promised me nothing was going on!" she emphasised on the just.

"but it's just for me to be able to move on!" he yelled.

"move on? you haven't moved on? so what am i a fucking rebound trent?" she yelled, her eyes beginning to water.

"no, no! fuck no! you mean the absolute world to me." he emphasises on the word world.

"obviously not, jesus. why the fuck would you do this to me?" she said, now fully crying.

"i haven't don't anything!" he raised his arms.

"are you being serious?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"mabel, i'm single. why do you care so much?" he blurted out.

"oh, okay." she nods, walking towards the cupboard to pack her stuff. she was not going to stay here with him.

"no, stop. what are you doing? i didn't mean it like that-" he was cut off.

"so what did you mean?" she sobbed.

"please, come here." he sat on the bed and made a hand signal for her to go to him.

"no." she shook her head, tears pouring down her face.

"please my baby, come here. i'm begging you." trent begged, his voice now cracking.

"trent stop." she held her hand out to stop him.

"please, mabel. just come here, let me hold you." he spoke quietly, tears now in his eyes.

she tried to get her breathing back to normal as she walked slowly towards him, standing between his legs.

"i am so so sorry, mabel. i should have told you, no, I shouldn't have agreed to meet with hannah. i swear to you now, i do not want her. i want you, i need you." he said biting his lip to stop himself from crying.

trent's speech only made her feel worse, she cried even harder. he pulled her to sit on his lap, each of her legs going around his hips. she sobbed into his shoulder as he rubbed her back, whispering sweet words into her ear.

teenage fever, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now