chapter eleven

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in which love confessions
and new relationships are made

MABEL HAD A VERY BUSY DAY AHEAD OF HER, this morning she was going for breakfast with renee and virgil. then she was going for lunch with renee, jade and saffie. and tonight she was going out with trent. but she couldn't think of a better way to spend her day, with her favourite people. just a shame robbo and dom wouldn't be involved, then it would complete the friend group!

for the breakfast date, she was going to dress casual. tracksuits kinda vibe for breakfast. and she obviously didn't feel the need to have to impress her sister and her.. situationship?

no one really knew what was going on between renee and virgil. it wasn't exactly certain that they themselves knew what was going on. all they knew was that they enjoyed spending time together, and they wanted to do more of that.

it was harder for virgil as he had children, and it had been two years since him and his ex-wife divorced. he knew he was ready to look for something, but he also had more important commitments than to look for love. his kids.

it also didn't help that any woman he had found, either only wanted to fuck, wanted the fame or didn't want to be with a man that had kids.

renee didn't mind that he had kids. she wanted some of her own one day, and if she was being truthful. she could see that happening with virgil. but she didn't know if that was just because she knew he was a good father anyway.

mabel wasn't particularly excited to spend breakfast with her sister and virgil, she knew they'd be eye-fucking each other the whole time. and that's certainly not something she wanted to see the woman she looks up to doing that's for sure.

as she was finishing getting ready she was receiving a phone call from renee, well the third this morning.

"renee lad i'm on my way." mabel exclaimed down the phone as she got into her car.

"no you're not, you're just getting into the car. i just heard the door closing." she huffed.

"the cafe is literally ten minutes away i won't be long. plus it's your own damn fault for telling me to get up early!" she said putting her phone to the side and driving out of her driveway.

"get off your phone then and drive!" renee argued down the phone.

"girl get off my phone." she said hanging up the phone call before rolling her eyes, "stupid girl." she muttered to herself.

the drive there was quick but along the way all she could think about was how she wanted trent at that moment. she wanted to be with him, in his embrace, with his kiss, she just wanted to be his.

mentally she was, for both of them. she was his and he was hers. no one else, just them. that's how it felt like when it was just the both of them together.

teenage fever, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now