chapter ten

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in which gifts and advice
are given

TODAY WAS MABEL'S FIRST DAY BACK AT WORK, and currently she was sat in her office with trent alexander-arnold, curtis jones and his girlfriend saffie khan.

she agreed to let the three stay with her to watch the game, the trio not wanting her to be alone. especially with what was going on with her and trent. but he still wanted to be there for her.

"aye, i'll be right back i'm just gonna go talk to klopp." trent stood up and left.

"mabel, we heard what happened the other day. are you doing okay?" saffie spoke a minute after trent left the room.

"um yeah i'm doing better than i was. being back her and seeing all the boys definitely made me feel better." she smiled, "how'd you find out?"

"i have a friend who's friends with hannah. she's a real bitch, my friend dropped her after that. called her a home wrecker." saffie spoke.

"yeah, she was like that when she was with trent. strange girl. but, you sure you're doing okay?" curtis joined in to the conversation.

"i'm fine, thanks for asking though guys." she goes to give the couple a hug.

"of course. i know we're not that close but girl you can come to me with anything, i promise." saffie rubbed mabel's back.

"thanks saff, same goes to you honey." mabel replied.

"what about me?" curtis asked, pretending to be offended before they dragged him into the group hug.

"you gonna speak to him when he comes back? cause he was telling me he needs to tell you something." curtis frowned.

"oh, i'll just wait for him to ask then if that's the case." she nodded, before trent himself walked back through the door.

"did i miss anything?" he pointed to the game, receiving a 'no' from everyone.

"right, saff and i are gonna go get some food now." curtis said whilst giving trent a pointed look saying 'tell her now'.

"okay, bye guys. thanks again." she thanked the couple.

once they left, trent sat across from mabel straight away.

"i need to tell you something." trent confessed, looking stressed.

"mmm, what is is?" she asked still not looking at him.

"before you get mad, hear me out on it. i saw hannah-"

"what?!" she shouted, glaring at him before realising what he said, "sorry, carry on."

he nodded, "and i recorded everything so that you could see." he spoke, before getting his phone out ready to show her.

"really?" she asked with a glimpse of hope in her eyes.

teenage fever, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now