chapter three

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in which you get to know
renee and mabel's

GROWING UP DEFINITELY WASN'T EASY for mabel and renee. their parents weren't the best parents to say the least, but it was hard for them to call their parents toxic when they still did a lot of stuff for them. but it was materialistic things.

what their parents didn't understand is that children want real love from them, not buying them stuff. yes they were so grateful, but that would never compare to real love from a mother and father.

none of the girls liked opening up about their issues with both their parents, they feel as if there are people who have worse problems than them. their problems feel minor compared to others. and that's what they grew up knowing, people had it worse.

it wasn't a healthy way to cope, they knew that. but the pair didn't like to be in the centre of attention. they didn't like to talk about their trauma. all of their friends growing up had healthy relationships with their parents, so why couldn't they?

throughout ever friend group they had, they'd always feel left out. all their friends used to talk about their amazing relationship with their parents and they had to stand by and listen. and they didn't mind it at all, but they couldn't help but imagine if that was them.

mabel's only escape was, as weird as it sounds, was to watch football games by herself. liverpool specifically, of course. she grew up watching that team win over and over again, along with their losses. she wished to have a family like that. this is why she wanted to work with liverpool fc, to feel apart of something. to feel apart of a family.



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thank you t!🤍

no worries
what you doing today?

gonna go get my hair done,
you doing anything?

lemme come with you

teenage fever, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now