(Chapter 7)

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As you and your friends are at the Cafe you are been busy chatting and talking to them then nod in agreement as you're wearing some glasses and then reading some books and typing on the computer then look at your friends are having pictures and having fun without posting them on any social media as they both talked and chat on the place while taking a moment then takes at the place on a topic that was related on your schedule.

Sooner time later the time went by on moved on while you guys were slowly getting tired then smiled and laughed at them while talking at the Cafe and then sometimes eating and drinking the things you ordered at the Cafe for a simple break after researching your studies for the exam in a 2 weeks end.

Maria: "Let's stop here... So I know things didn't go well, but I'm only glad that we are both all here... Look at the outside. I was now slowly moving down. I'll have to do things when I get home."

Jean: "Yeah, let's take some time it's making me tired after all how about we go now and then head on to the place sometimes like this, I'll be glad to know if we do I wouldn't mind."

Y/n: "Right... Let's go and head on the place way home so... I'm glad you're alright, but... Before we go, can I ask you something about what happened to Rina? I haven't heard of
her ever since I last saw her."

Your friends look at each other, and then at you as well, they feel uneasy while doing this, and then one of them talks.

Maria: "Y/n she... Went missing after her friends died at the bar karaoke after the party had a massive event when Rina was... Taken away as the police studied but no trace at all."

Jean: "Even so... The CCTV footage was being hacked off after the accident. The only thing caught on CCTV was that the friends of Rina died, and not only did they say they smelled alcohol as well."

Maria: "I wish too much drunk could kill them but not like this."

You look at them. feeling uncomfortable as you understand them and hold their hands together as you care for them slowly they calm down then nod as your friends hug you in comfort while feeling bad at the same time but
at the same time, it is a little satisfying because there aren't troublemakers who are gonna miss around other people's lives.

Y/n: "I understand... Let's just take some time and then pack up. I'll try to be careful when I get home so I can become full as well when we both get home."

They both nodded and then smiled at you as they headed off the place to pack up the things to read on leaving the Cafe while you both headed outside and talked in the place, Kazuha, on the other hand, had his mask on with a hoodie jacket watching you talked to your friends watching your cheer smile and more they had gathered together he couldn't help but feel, the blood rushed over him, causing him to blush hard and smile behind his face with his pupils' hearts shaped at the same time on his red eyes.

As sooner you were walking at the bus stop to wait a shadow happened again but when you looked back no one was around, then you looked at the bus and stopped in its place that is when you got inside and sat on the chair bus and put on your headphones to listen to music while looking at the window outside as you hands touch the glasses of your fingers to feel the moment of your senses on time.

**After later**

You are now home as you get off the bus then head inside the apartment by opening the door with your keys then head inside the place as you had done and take off your shoes place them on the side and remove the jacket away your tired body went inside the bedroom then lay down and puff to bed feeling tired and then sighed at the same time you looked at the wall clocked is now at the time on 5:56 pm as you crawl to your bed then lay your head on the pillow.

You sighed deeply and loudly groaning feeling tired and you had eyebugs underneath your eyes as you removed your hair tie and then put them off the place come by on time things were counting tell the night slowly creeps on the place unsecured and unaware that the shadow was watching your sleep as like an images of sleep sleeping paralysis at the night.


<As you sleep on the night you dream something like this isn't your home but an unfamiliar place you see chains around you and your neck is on a collar you find yourself that a nightmare can leave your soul alive in the place.

The faceless man came to you but you felt uncomfortable and sick to your stomach not until he held you closed and patted your head and stroked his fingers on your long/ short hair, as you were slowly feeling to calm down then your breath on your chest loosen up a bit while your eyes were slowly blindfolded by him and kissed your lips and biting it leaving a mark of your lips can be caused to bleeding by his presence saying something softly on your ears as he whispered something.

Soft whisper: "We will meet someday just wait for me, to see you again... My love."

You heard his laughter which made it so soft and insane at the same time.>


Feeling tired and uncomfortable sweating and breathing heart beating and your head can feel the spin-off makes you wanna work out any time, then you look at the window being lit up it is morning today and you feel like you gonna be late gladly you had 2 hours before the late had happened the place that came on time as you went in a hurry to do your daily routine as fast as you can to head on your classes today.

As you ran to head outside you were now on your located from your School site then headed there and went inside the gate as you did while running, you accidentally bumped into someone and it made your head hurt when you looked at him as he let out his hand to help you but you denied his help.

Y/n: "... No, thanks. I have other things to do."

For some, he feels sad that you did so, then he smiles and introduces himself, but when you do so it is him.

Kazuha: "... Oh, I'm... I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you Y/n yes?"

Kazuha smiled at you, softly but then something gentle and easy at the same time as you feel his alright after what just happened a few seconds ago.

Y/n: "I'm just... Late, so how about we just talk when free time?"

Kazuha looked at you surprised but then nodded as he was well prepared for stuff like this when it comes to only you as long it's you his not going to deny what you liked to do all the time you had with him and he had what from you as well

Kazuha: "Yeah... I'll see you around... Oh, and I don't mind how about at the rooftop? Well see there I'll be waiting just... I'll be honest with you that's for sure."

Y/n: "Yes... I'll be going now just at any time from it that's all I could tell for."

As just you left the place he couldn't wait but smiled happily to talk to you around the school campus while you were having a moment on time too as well had his plan to slowly and well build your trust to earn them and we'll put the picture of you on his other phone so that he can use it to track you down all the time whenever he wants to do so.


I will let things happen so prepare all you got I don't wanna make too much let me know if needed.

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