Chapter 11: The Siege

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"All right, let's try this again." Mando muttered. He was trying to fix the Razor Crest since the mechanics on Trask practically glued it together. "No. Nothing." He stood and walked back to a panel. He had put the Child in there to try and fix the wires, but that wasn't going well.

Elaine sat on the floor, her head peering into the area the Child was in. Her horns prevented her from sticking her head in all the way. Mando squatted down next to her. "Did he get the wires?"

"I dunno."

Mando peeked into the open panel. "Okay. Did you get the wires out?" He asked. "The red wire?"

The Child held up the blue wire. "No, no, no. No, the red one. Show me the red wire." The Child tilted his head in confusion. "Show me the red wire." The Child grabbed the red wire and held it up for Mando to see. "Yes, good. Now you're going to plug that red wire where the blue wire goes in the board."

The Child cooed. "Put the red wire where the blue wire goes in the board, okay?" Mando tries to explain. The Child held a wire in each hand. "But don't let them touch. You see where you took the blue one off? Yes, now put the red one..." The Child tried to put the blue one back. "No, don't put the blue one back. Put the red one where the blue one was. And put the blue one, where the red was. But be careful. They're oppositely charged, so keep them away from each other. Make sure you hold them apart from–" The Child tried to put the together. "No, hold them apart."

The Child put them together, squealing in surprise. "Oh! Uh-uh." Mando sighed. He pulled the Child out of the panel. "Are you okay?"

The Child coughed and whined. Mando looked to Elaine. "Are you sure you can't fit in there?"

The girl nodded. "I'm too big, and my horn will get caught on the wires."

Mando sighed again. "Well, it was worth a shot." He walked back over to his seat, setting the Child down on one chair while Elaine took the other. 


Mando sat down with a sigh as the kids drank their broth. He drank his own, lifting his helmet just enough so he wouldn't reveal his face. Elaine and the Child both tried to catch a glimpse of him, but they failed. Mando smiled to himself, but that didn't last long as he was reminded of his ship's state.

"There's no way we're making it to Corvus in this shape." He said. "You know, I think we need to visit some friends for repairs."

Elaine grinned. "Cara?"

Mando nodded. "How'd you like to go back to Nevarro?"


The Razor Crest landed on the outskirts of the city somewhat gently. Cara and Greef Karga were already walking out to greet them.

The gangplank only opened halfway, so Mando had to hop down the the Child and catch Elaine. Karga and Cara grinned at them. "Looks like someone could use some repairs." Karga joked. He shook Mando's hand.

"How's my credit around here?" Mando asked.

"I think something could be arranged. Isn't that right, Marshal?"

Cara smiled. "I'm sure we can work something out."

Elaine grinned and ran to Cara. The veteran picked her up and grinned as well. "Hey, kid. You've been good, right?"

Elaine nodded. "Yes."

Cara looked at Mando, pretending to doubt the girl. Mando shrugged, as if to say, "She's been okay."

Karga looked to the ship. "I'll get my best people on it. Hey, fellas!" He shouted to some mechanics. "Let's fix this man's ship! I want it as good as new." He turned to the Child. "And you, come here, little one!"

He chuckled as he held the Child. "Has Mando been taking good care of you, huh?" He looked up to Mando. "Have you been takin' good care o' him?"

The Child cooed, and Karga smiled. "Yeah? Yeah! He said 'yeah!'. Oh, yeah."

Still holding the Child, Karga walked into the city. Cara let Elaine down, and the girl stuck close to Mando. It wasn't very long ago that there was a shootout. But now, the streets were full of reputable vendors.

"Looks like you two have been busy." Mando noted.

"I myself have been steeped in clerical work." Karga said. "Marshal Dune here is to be thanked for cleaning up the town."

"Your ships not lookin' too good." Cara joked.

"I had a run-in with the New Republic." Mando told her.

"And spiders." Elaine added.

Karga shook his head in disgust. "They should leave the Outer Rim alone. If the Empire couldn't settle it, what makes them think they can?" He stopped in front of the bar from before. "Here we are."

"I'm surprised to see that place is still standing." Said Mando.

Cara smiled. "Wait until you see inside." She opened the door, revealing a room full of kids, not much older than Elaine. They were all listening to a protocol droid who was teaching them a lesson.

"A school?" Mando asked.

Cara nodded. "Things have changed a lot around here."

Karga set the Child down in a desk. "We'll leave the little ones here so we can talk business."

Elaine looked up at Mando, she didn't want to leave him. Mando didn't want to leave them either. "Wherever I go, they go."

Karga sighed. "Mando please. Where we're going, you don't want to take children. Trust me."

"They'll be find here." Said Cara. You have my word."

Mando sighed. He looked down at Elaine. "I won't be gone long, okay, kid?" He stroked her hair.

Elaine nodded. "Okay." She went and took a desk next to the Child. When the adults left, the Child took notice of a girl next to him. She had cookies. He reached his little hand out, and Elaine looked at him. "Don't do it." She whispered. But he ignored her and grabbed the cookies anyway. The girl's mouth hung open, and Elaine mouthed 'sorry' to her.


A few hours later, Mando came into the school. He grabbed Elaine and the Child before taking off to the Crest. "What's going on?" Elaine asked as Mando prepared for take off.

"Cara and Karga need our help." They flew off, and soon over a canyon he found them in the vehicle. He shot the TIE-Fighters down, and cheering was heard over the comms.

"That was some pretty impressive flying, Mando." Said Greef. "What do I owe ya?"

"With the repairs, let's call it even." Said Mando. He was about to land, but a soft whimpering sounded behind him. He looked back and saw the Child had thrown up all over himself.

"Can I at least buy you a drink?" Greef asked.

Mando took his cape and began to clean off the Child. "Sorry. I have some onboard maintenance I gotta take care of. Then we gotta hit the road before Gideon catches wise."

Elaine gasped. Gideon was supposed to be dead.

"Well, good luck flying, my friend." Greef said.

Mando took the Crest into the atmosphere, and when they were far enough from Nevarro, jumped into hyperspace. He was about to finish taking care of the Child's mess when he saw Elaine. Her eyes were wide with fear. "What's wrong?" He asked.

She swallowed. "Gideon?"

Mando sighed. He got down to her level. "I'm not gonna lie to you, Elaine. Gideon is alive."

"Does he want me and him?" She looked at the Child.

Mando nodded. "I'll keep you safe, Sarad'ika, no matter what."

Elaine leaned her head on her knees. "Promise?"

Mando leaned his helmet against her forehead. "I promise."

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