Chapter 13: The Jedi

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Who wants to see Elaine's backstory???? Also, why is Mando always posing in the credits art? And idk if anyone noticed this, but when I write from Elaine's pov, I try to make it sound childish because she's like 5. I also head cannon that Ahsoka knows how to talk to kids. But enough of me, on with the show~~~

"Corvus, this is the place." Mando said as he flew into the atmosphere. "I've detected a beacon. I'm gonna start the landing cycle."

Elaine nodded. "We're gonna meet a Jedi?"

"Yes." Mando was close to finishing his quest. Deliver the kids to a Jedi, that was all. But in the weeks he'd spent either protecting them from bounty hunters or finding a Jedi, he'd grown very attached to them. Mando didn't want to admit it, but for the first time in his life, he wanted to break the Creed. Nothing was stopping him from turning the Crest around and flying to a planet far away where he could raise his kids. Nothing but a sense of duty.

Mando landed the Crest, and when the clan of three stepped out they were met with desolation. Corvus had apparently been a forest planet, but all the trees once flourishing with life were reduced to nothing more than black sticks. "Not much to see out here." Said Mando quietly. He looked down at the kids and saw that the Child was holding the lever top. "What did I say about that?" He took it from him and put it in his pouch. "This needs to stay in the ship."

The Child whined as his toy was taken away, but Mando just picked him up and put him in the satchel. "Never had dealings with a Jedi before. Let's head into town. See if we can pick up a lead."

Elaine walked along side of him through the dreary forest. Her brown eyes seemed grey in the smokey light. Mando wondered what would happen to her with the Jedi. She didn't seem to have the same powers as the Child, but she wasn't normal, if normal was even a thing anymore in this crazy galaxy.


They approached the town gates where a few guards stood at their posts. "State your business." Said one.

"Been tracking for a few days." Mando lied. "Looking for a layover."

The guard nodded in respect. "Nice armor. You a hunter, then?"

Mando nodded. "That's right."


"Last I checked."

Elaine watched the exchange with great interest. She never knew that Mando was such a liar.

Another guard walked up to the first one, quietly telling him something. The first one nodded. "Open the gate." The gate opened, and the three walked inside.

Immediately, the gate close shut, creaking from wear. Elaine held tightly to Mando's cape as they walked through town. It gave her a bad feeling. All around were guards, monitoring the seemingly harmless people. But as harmless as they seemed, one thing was a fact; they were afraid. They eyed Mando warily, steering clear of him as he walked by. Even with two kids, a Mandalorian was still intimidating.

Mando approached an old woman. "Pardon me, vendor, have you heard of anyone–" He stopped short when the woman turned away, clearly eager to leave.

Mando sighed. He turned to an alley where he saw a man speaking to two kids. "You there. I need some information. I'm looking for someone."

The man whispered to the kids. "Okay, bye." They ran off, and he turned to Mando. "Please, do not speak to them, or any of us."

Confused, Mando continued to speak. "Look, I just need to know–"

"The magistrate wants to see you." Said one of several guards that appeared behind them. Mando turned and followed them, but he drew Elaine and the Child closer to him. Something was wrong about this place.

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