Chapter 20

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Daniel drives us home after we eat. We're both quiet and it worries me that I don't know how he feels right now. But I'm scared of the way I do. I can't lie to myself any longer. I really like being with him. I like how he makes me feel. I like the way he walks, the way he interacts with people. And I especially like how he interacts with me. He can joke and play around, but then when he's serious... there's this intensity about him, this confidence, this protectiveness. I don't know. But I really wish I was his type. I wish he liked me. I wish he wanted to be with me. There. I admitted it even to myself.

I glance over at him, he's driving, focused on the road. Looks like he's having thoughts of his own, when he finally speaks, my heart drops a little,

"How is your friend, Lara? Has she been getting harassed by the guy lately?" Lara. So she's the one on his mind. I bite down on my lip, I am silent for a moment too long. He glances over at me, guess to see if I heard,

"She's good, thank God" I finally manage, "She's been missing a lot of dance practice, too, but goes with Elias whenever he has enough time"

"No envelopes?"

"No. But they put a lock on the building electricity, it's a lot harder for someone to just cut the electricity. So with the camera installed, I guess he's too scared"

"He might just pay a kid or something to slip it under, like he did to you"

"True... I'm also worried she'll let her guard down now that he's not bothering her. I'm scared for her. He's... he's dangerous"

"She shouldn't let it down until the stalker is caught"


"And you shouldn't either" he glances back at me, I nod,

"Thanks for tonight" I say when he parks his car, "I really needed to get out of the house"

"You can come with me whenever you want to"

"Your turn to come to the dance studio" I smile up at him when we start ascending the stairs,

"About that..."

"No backing out. I did your silly routine, you owe it to me to do mine"

"Silly? My routine was silly?"

"Oh yes. Why so much lifting? My arms will be sore for months after this"

"Don't be a princess" he teases, I glare at him under my lashes, he laughs, "okay, fine. I'll do your thing too. We'll see what's sillier"

I can tell someone is home because the lights are visible from under the doorway. Must be Nina because we left Phil in the gym. Unless he came home while we were eating. I unlock our apartment, and pause at the door, a little shocked to see George sitting at our dining table, glaring at me with angry eyes,

"George!" I say, surprised, "um, hi... where's Nina?"

If Daniel doesn't think he's grumpy, he should see him self in the mirror right now. His playful, easy-going mood from just seconds before is now completely gone. He has an angry, threatening expression on his face. I just hope he doesn't charge at George because I don't know if I'd stand a chance at stopping him.

"She's not home yet" George responds, "she gave me spare keys so I can wait for her when needed"

"Does she know you're here?" I ask,

"No" he shakes his head, his eyes move to Daniel, "didn't know you were out with him" he spits the word 'him' like it's a curse,

"We were at the gym" I say, smiling, trying to ease the tension in the room, "so, you know when Nina's coming?"

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