Chapter 24

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My performance two days later is flawless. I can't see him in the audience because the lights are dim, but I know Daniel is watching. I am hyper aware of my moves and my body. I am trying to dance perfectly. I want him to like it. When the performance is over, the audience erupts. Lara and I finished the dance standing next to each other, she grasps my hand excitedly. It's a good feeling for all of us dancers when a dance is flawless like it was today.

As soon as we start walking off stage, the lights are turned on in the audience, I immediately scan with my eyes, looking for him. I see him straight away, he's watching me with a serious expression, but when he catches my eyes, he smiles. I smile back, giving him a little wave. The plan was for him to shadow me on my walk home today, but we scrap that because of Lara. Instead, Daniel drops us both home. I have to admit, I am relieved I don't have to face my stalker just yet.

Two days later, I decide to be brave and teach dance to my student group. A friend of mine has been covering for me in the past weeks, so I haven't seen my little students in a long while.

"We finish at eight" I say, putting on my shoes,

"I'll be there" Daniel says, "ready?"

"I am, but don't go with me now. It's still daylight, there's no need"

"I'm going with you"

Doesn't matter how much I try to dissuade him, he doesn't let up. So I walk to the theatre, seemingly alone, knowing Daniel is watching me from somewhere, following my every move. Nothing happens, when I get to the theatre, I look around, trying to see if Daniel is still around. I can't see him, so I send him a 'thanks' on text. He responds with a thumbs up.

After my class, I text Daniel that I'm leaving soon, he responds with 'I am ready' which means he's already here somewhere. When I step out of the theatre, I glance up at the setting sun. By the time I am home it will be fully dark. I glance around, trying to spot Daniel, but can't see him, so I make my way home. Though I fully trust he's watching, I am still scared to be out by myself. I haven't done it since the attack at my parent's house.

When I get on the bus, I'm thinking if Daniel is still following me from somewhere, I send him a text 'Are you still there?' and he responds with 'yes, right behind you' I glance out of the bus window, trying to spot his car, but I can't see him anywhere at all.

The walk goes uninterrupted, and I am not sure if I am glad or disappointed. I really want the stalker caught. I want my freedom back. But, at the same time, imagining him actually coming at me makes me sick to my stomach. I climb up the stairs to the apartment, and pause when I hear a sound, it's Daniel, climbing up after me.

"He didn't come" I state the obvious,

"He will next time, when do you have your next class?"


"We'll do the same thing"

"Okay" we stare at each other for a moment too long. Not for the first time, I wonder if Daniel feels in my presence what I feel in his.

Wednesday goes pretty much the same way. Daniel follows me to the theatre, then leaves and comes back at eight to follow me home. Just like last time, though I know he's there, I can't actually see him. I walk to the bus, take the ride, then get off at the bus stop. No stalker. I start wondering if he gave up on me, maybe he's gone for good, when I hear a loud bang and scuffle behind me. I turn around quickly. Daniel is holding George up by his collar, he raised George's whole body off the ground and slammed him against a building wall, holding his pinned there with both hands.

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