Chapter 27

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I run up the stairs to the apartment, my lungs dying for air, my legs shaking from the run. I lunge at the door and burst inside the apartment, Daniel and Phil turn towards the door. Daniel is holding his jacket over his arm, looking like he was about to head out. He hurries towards me,

"Sofia?" he rushes past me to open the door and look into the hallway, "is someone after you?" he asks, I shake my head no, still breathing hard,

"What happened? I thought you were at the theatre?" Daniel asks,

"Were you running from someone?" Phil asks,

I shake my head no once more, imagining how ridiculous I must look to them. Dressed in a dance skirt, my hair up in a ridiculously high bun, with my face covered in excessive makeup.

"I am okay" I manage to say, "no one is after me"

"They why were you running?" they ask at the same time, I don't respond, just shrug my shoulders,

"I just came from the gym, was about to head out to follow you home from the theatre. Why are you here? What happened?" Daniel asks,

"I had to go to the hospital"

"What happened? Are you okay?" they ask in one voice,

"It's Lara, she... her brother, Elias, was attacked when they were walking to the bus stop"


"Yes... she thinks it's the stalker. He hit Elias in the head, Elias lost consciousness, but by the time that happened Lara managed to call for help, people came and the attacker ran off"

"Is her brother okay?" Phil asks,

"He had a concussion, but woke up. The doctor said he hopes for a full recovery"

"How did you get to the hospital?" Daniel asks,

"I caught a taxi"

"Why didn't you call me?" he sounds angry,

"I was in a hurry to get to Lara. At that point she didn't know if Elias was okay or not"

"So the stalker attacks her brother, and you are crazy enough to go to a hospital by yourself? What if he came for you?"

"A taxi is safe" I defend,

"Why did you run if you took a taxi?" Phil asks, "you're fit, so to be that tired you must have run quite a distance"

"I ran from the hospital"

"What?" Phil asks,

"Are you crazy?" Daniel speaks, "why didn't you call me?"

"Or at least get a taxi?" Phil adds,

"I didn't have any cash on me for a taxi"

"So why didn't you call me?" Daniel repeats, sounding even angrier than before,

"I knew you were at the gym"

"So what?" he asks, almost yelling, "you think I wouldn't leave the gym and come for you if you needed a lift?"

"That's insane, Sofia!" Phil jumps in, "I gave you my number, too, you could have called either of us! That's reckless!"

"I didn't want to be a burden" I say, defensively,

"Are you serious?" Daniel takes an angry step in my direction. I know he wouldn't hurt me in any way, but his towering presence feels incredibly intimidating. To makes matters worse, his anger is directed at me,

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