Chapter 25

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As we eat breakfast the next day, Nina is chirping about her birthday happening next Saturday. She tells me George will be taking her out somewhere but won't tell her the location. I'm listening but my mind is on last night. On George hiding behind a container. Daniel's suspicion. Deep down, I know George can't have anything to do with the salking. But my mind won't let me forget that this is not the first time George was caught where he shouldn't be,

"Sofia, what's wrong? Are you listening?" Nina asks, looking at me worried,

"I am... sorry, what did you say?"

"What's wrong?" she asks,

"Um... well, something happened last night"

"What? The stalker?" she asks,

"No" I shake my head, "but it has to do with the stalking. Last night Daniel followed me home from a distance, you know how I told you about his plan to catch the stalker in action?" she nods a yes, "well we did it last night. Daniel followed me home from a distance"


"And, well..."

"What happened? Why are you stalling?"

"Because you won't like what I'm about to tell you"

"Did something happen to you?"


"Then tell me!"

"Okay. Well, I was walking, when all of a sudden Daniel jumps out and grabs a man that was hiding behind a container" Nina gasps,

"He got the stalker?" she asks wide eyed,

"Well... not quite. You see, I turn and run over to see Daniel holding George pinned up against a building"

"George?" She gasps, "what do you mean, George?"

"It was George that was hiding behind the container"

"That's a lie" she jumps up on her feet,

"I'm telling you what happened"

"And you werem+n't going to tell me sooner?"

"When Daniel and I got home, you were already sleeping"

"And this morning? You and I woke up an hour ago, making breakfast and talking about random crap, and you didn't tell me?"

"Because I knew you'd be angry about it"

"Angry? I'm furious! Daniel keeps coming at George! How many times will Daniel attack George and we'll all be sitting here, blinking our eyes while we drink tea, like everything is okay?" she yells, I stand up and grasp her arms gently,

"Nina. Don't be upset. Nothing happened"

"Nothing? Do you need something to happen before we take action?"

"Daniel didn't hit him. I told him to release George, and he did"

"After he humiliated him in front of the whole city!"

"He didn't" I try to sound reassuring, "there weren't many people around"

"Sofia! Do you hear yourself? You're saying it is okay for Daniel to pin my boyfriend against a wall?"

"Nina, George was hiding behind a container-"

"Lies! He wasn't! I don't believe that!"

"But-" I start, but Nina raises her hand, stopping me,

"I have to call him" she immediately dials George's number, he picks up on second ring, I can hear him as he's put on speaker,

"George! Are you okay?"

"So they told you what happened?" I hear his angry voice,

"Sofia did. Are you okay?"

"No!" he yells,

"I'll come over to see you"

"No, don't! But I'm pissed at Sofia and how she acted last night!" he says, Nina glances over at me accusingly,

"Why?" she asks,

"She was acting like she believed the gorilla, not me. And then she decides to go home with him, leaving me there alone. She should've come with me!"

"I wanted to get Daniel away from you, George, before he gets too angry" I say, jumping in,

"Ah! You're there, too! Why didn't you stop him?"

"I did, George!"

"Well not enough!" he hangs up, Nina shakes her head in disbelief,

"Were you on Daniel's side?"

"No! Do you think George would have walked away unarmed if I was on Daniel's side?"

"What are you trying to do, Sofia?" she asks with tears forming in her eyes, it breaks my heart, "Why are you against George? Why didn't you message me straight away last night to tell me what happened? Do you want to break us up?"

"No, Nina, I-" but I don't get to finish the sentence, she storms out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her. I don't follow after her. Maybe she needs space, or maybe just some time to process everything that had happened.

I realise I am crying too. I go to the bathroom to wash my face off, then I call George's phone. He picks up straight away,

"George, I am sorry" I say,

"But why did you let him do that?"

"I didn't. I told him you weren't the stalker"

"After you asked me what I was doing there"

"George, I am sorry. But my mind is crazy right now. I've been living a nightmare for the last month. I accuse everyone of everything. But you know I trust you"

"Do you?"


"Then stop letting that gorilla idiot control your life"

"Daniel" I correct, "and he's not controlling my life. He was trying to help"

"By attacking me again?"

"You happened to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time"

"Isn't it obvious he hates my guts?"

"I don't know, George, but please don't be upset. I'll talk to him, okay?" he's silent for a very long time, I only hear his breathing from the other side,

"Okay" he says finally, "but if it happens again I'm suing him" he hangs up. 

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