Chapter 22

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That Friday, after I finish my classes and get home, I start feeling very restless. I badly want to go to the studio and dance. I haven't been there in a long time, and at this point I crave it. I have the music on, I danced a bit at home, but the feeling is not the same. It's about seven o'clock so the sun is still out, even so, I'm scared to leave the apartment. I tell myself I am being irrational, there are people out, he can't hurt me. And I've saved up a bit of cash, I could catch a cab home. But I'm still scared.

We're supposed to do a performance in two days, I said I'd be there for it, Elias would take a day off his work and accompany Lara and I to the studio. That's the plan, we'll see if it actually happens. My group wouldn't be at the theatre today, just me. That's what I need, anyway. An open stage, music and freedom. I decide to be brave. I put on a moss green dress and flats, then throw the bag with my dancing gear over my shoulder. Finally, before leaving the house, I find the switchblade I purchased not long ago.

I've never walked faster in my life, being on the streets is uncomfortable and I just want to get to the safety of the theatre. Once I am there, I unlock the door and enter the empty stage. No dances going on tonight, just me left to my own practice. I do some stretches for warm up, then get straight into it, finally in my element. I start off with slow music, then gradually move to the faster routines. I really miss just moving with the rhythm. My muscles are still sore from that gym workout with Daniel, so it feels even better to stretch and challenge them. I don't know how much time passes, but when I'm finally feeling tired, I stop for a quick water break. I dig out the water bottle from my bag that I left in the corner, when a shadow of a movement catches my eye. I snap my head up, staring into the dark auditorium in front of me. I locked the door after me, so no one would have been able to get in unless they have the key. I feel my face pale when I notice a tall shadow standing in the darkness, far from the lit-up stage,

"Who is there?" I ask, my voice echoes through the empty theatre, no one responds for a long moment. I'm staring into the shadow, my heart about beating a million miles per second.

"You're so easily scared, yet you came here alone?" the voice, one that I immediately recognise, finally responds. Daniel steps forward into the dim light,

"What are you doing here?" I mutter, he walks even closer,

"Looking for you" he says,

"How did you even know where I am?"

"Your friend, Nina, is freaking out, worried about you. She called you a few times, and you haven't picked up"

"But... what time is it?" I push my hand into my bag searching for my phone, it's ten thirty, I've been at the theatre for over three hours, "oh, god, I thought it was only about eight..." I start texting Nina that I am okay, and apologising for scaring her, at the same time, I am still puzzled at Daniel's presence here,

"How did you know I was here?"

"I thought you're either kidnapped by the stalker, at your other friend's house, or at the theatre. Nina called your other friend, who confirmed you weren't with her, and then, hoping you weren't kidnapped, raped, or killed, I made my way here"

The three words said so casually; kidnapped, raped or killed, send shivers down my body,

"I am so sorry!" I mutter, "I didn't realise it was so late, I should have told someone" I realise that I have a bunch of text messages from Lara, too, and a missed call from Daniel. As I am texting Lara that I am okay, my phone rings. I pick up to an angry Nina, yelling at me for not telling her where I was. After apologising a million times over, she finally lets me go. I look up at Daniel, who is now standing right in front of the stage, leaning forward with his arms folded across the wooden floor, He's looking at me, his face betraying nothing, an enigmatic canvas offering no clues about what he's thinking,

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