Chapter 26

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The next day Daniel follows me to my dance studio, then leaves. He'll come back to follow me home from a distance once I am done. As I prepare for my performance, I send a quick text to Lara, asking her where she is. Elias is taking a train with her to the studio, they should have been here already. I'm not too worried, though, because we still have a lot of time before the dance starts and it's likely they missed a train or bus.

"You look beautiful as always" Raymond says, walking up behind me, I turn my head towards him and smile,

"Always ready with a compliment" I tease,

"Only for you, my shining beauty" he jokes, I laugh and turn back to the mirror. It's a contemporary story performance tonight, which means applying an excessive amount of makeup to transform myself into the character I will portray.

My chestnut-coloured hair falls gently on my sides, white specks of glitter poured all over it. My eyes are framed with green blue eye liner, making them pop out. I glance at my phone again, no reply from Lara. Now I am starting to feel uneasy, I try calling her but she doesn't pick up, I try Elias but he doesn't answer either.

I glance back at the mirror, my dolled-up face stares back at me. My eyes, which only moments before shone with excitement for the dance, are now clouded in worry for my friend,

"Where's Lara?" Sarah asks,

"Not sure, I've been texting her but she's not responding" Just as I finish my sentence, my phone goes off. I glance down at the screen, it's Lara,

"Lara, where are you?" I say,

"Elias! He's hurt!" she yells frantically,

"Elias? What happened? Where are you?"

"In hospital. We were attacked. He hurt him!" she cries, speaking really quickly,

"Wait. Lara. Are you okay now? Tell me where you are, I am coming"

"In hospital" she says, through tears

"Near Evergreen gardens?"


"I'm coming" I start walking, ignoring Sarah who's calling after me asking what happened. I don't care that I am dressed for dance, I run out of the studio,

"Is Elias okay?"

"I don't know" she cries, lucklily I see a parked cab across the street, I run over to him, telling him to take me to the hospital,

"What happened?"

"We were walking from the train station, to the theatre. When he came out of nowhere"


"A man. A tall big man. I think it was the stalker" she starts sobbing again, talking so fast that I can't follow,

"The stalker attacked Elias?" I ask,

"Yes. He came at us when we were all alone, he went straight for Elias. Elias told me to run, but I didn't. The man punched him, Elias hit him back, he fought, I started screaming. I ran to call for help, people came and he ran off. Elias was on the ground, unconscious"

"Is he going to be okay? Did the doctor look at him?"

"I don't know! I don't know! Please hurry! Please come!"

"I am coming, five minutes away. Just- just don't cry, okay? Everything will be okay-"

"What if he killed him?" she cries hysterically,

"No! Don't say that, he didn't!"

"What if-"

"No" I stop her before she breaks down again, "Lara. Don't cry. I'm coming"

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