17 | Tanya To The Rescue

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Tanya wanted to stop Mariah anyhow so she was trying to distract her with her words and kept moving towards her. She was very close to her but Mariah kept telling her to go away. When Mariah saw her getting so close to her, she let out a scream, closed her eyes and jumped. The moment she screamed, Tanya  too jumped towards her and held her by her left arm.

While holding her arm,  Tanya  soon realized she was not strong enough to keep holding her this way. She was holding her with both her hands but her arms were trembling. Even her feet were not on the ground. Half of her body was in the air.

She was somehow balancing her body by keeping her feet on the holes in the wall. She was using all her strength to keep on holding Mariah's arm.
" Tanya , let go of my hand. I don't want to live anymore. Please let me go" Mariah spoke with tears in her eyes.

Tanya was not in a condition to speak much. She somehow mana ged to open her eyes and say, "No, I will never let you take such a drastic step for somebody else."

"I am not doing it for somebody else. Whatever I am doing is my decision. Let me go, Tanya " Mariah pleaded.

Tanya could not say anything else as her legs were shaking and her grip was also loosening.
" Tanya let go of my hand or you are going to fall with me," Mariah said while looking at Tanya's  feet.

Tanya was still recovering from her iliness and it was quite natural for her to get tired easily. Even after being so exhausted, she was not ready to let go of her hand.

After a few seconds, Mariah's hand started to slip away from tanya 's hold. The moment Tanya  realized this, she bent further to hold her tighter.
On doing so, her feet raised high further.

Before both of them could fall down, a hand moved past tanya's ear and grabbed Mariah's arm tightly. With his other hand, he held on to Tanya's waist.

With her bloodshot eyes, Tanya  looked to her side and found Jahaan  holding on to both of them on his own.

In a few seconds, even Illahi  and Jordan  got there. Illahi  pulled Tanya  behind and made her sit on the floor. Jordan  and Jahaan  pulled Mariah up while she kept crying. She crashed on the floor and began sobbing again. Tanya  who was panting all this while was drenched in sweat.

She mustered some courage and spoke to Mariah, "What the hell were you going to do?"

"I want to end my life. Why did you save me?" Mariah replied sobbing.

"If you really wanted to jump, you should have jumped from a higher place. If you'd have fallen from her, you'd have broken just a few bones.
You'd have ended up paying hospital bills for days," Tanya spoke angrily.

Just then, other students, staff, security, and professors came running. Professor Anna stepped out of the crowd and asked, "Mariah, are you okay? And Tanya , you didn't get hurt, right?"

"No Professor. I am alright" Tanya  said while getting up.

Jahaan was sitting right behind Tanya  and when he saw her getting up, he could not stop himself from holding her by shoulders. He helped her to stand straight. The moment she stood up, things turned pitch black in front of her eyes. Because of weakness and exhaustion, Tanya  felt dizzy.

She could not balance herself and fell behind. When Jahaan  saw her falling, he held her in his arms and made her lie on the floor. He gently placed her head on his lap and started patting her cheeks to wake her up.

Everyone started to cater to her. Jordan  quickly pushed the crowd aside so that Tanya  could breathe properly in the clean air. Jessica started fanning her book to make her feel better. Mariah took off Tanya 's shoes and started rubbing the soles of her feet.

"All this is happening because of me. I told her to let go of my hand" Mariah said with tears in her eyes.

Everyone was trying to bring Tanya  back to her senses and just then, the trustees and principal of the college arrived there.

"Everyone, go from here. The drama is done.
Everyone got back to the hall," the principal instructed the crowd of students.

"Security, I want this floor to be empty in two minutes" even the head spoke up.

The guards made everyone leave the terrace and asked all the students and professors to leave.

Jahaan's dad looked at everyone trying to bring Tanya  back to her senses. He was pretty surprised to see a look of concern on his son's face.

He spoke in a very cold tone, "Carry her to the principal office right now. And ask the security to call for a doctor. All of you, head to the office ASAP". Then he left.

Jahan didn't even look at his dad once and he just lifted Tanya  in his arms to carry her to the office. Illahi  and Jordan  picked up her shoes and phone and followed Jahaan .

Mariah was still sitting on the floor and kept crying. "Everything will be fine, Mariah. Tanya  will also get better. Don't worry. Let us go for now" Professor Anna consoled her.

She helped her to get up and both of them headed to the principal's office.

Jahaan entered the office without asking for permission and made Tanya  lay on the couch.Illahi , Jordan , Mariah, and Anna entered afterward. Just when they arrived, the security guard came in with a doctor. He started examining Tanya carefully.

Jahaan  kept looking at her without batting an eyelid. The doctor checked her temperature, blood pressure, and pulse rate and then asked, "Did she fall sick in the last few days?"

"Yes, doctor! About 2-3 weeks back, she was ill. She even had to spend a few days in the hospital"
Jordan  said.

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