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Hello lovely reader,

Thank you so much for picking up this book and for giving it a chance. As I remain confident that this book is going to make you giggle, smile, think, and grow in a positive way, I also remain hopeful that it stays in your heart even after completion and for years to come.

This book started off as an attempt to give a warm hug and loving embrance to myself and my readers, especially young girls and to show them what love is, what righteousness is, what courage is and the amount of success that is achievable when you have the right intentions. Perhaps the success of this book is a small testimony of the same and my existence is a larger testimony of the same.

Not to brag....or maybe to brag just a little, I've got a lot of questions both personally and in my comments as to how I come with the word play, stratergies, and scenes that involve intelligence and mind games. Short answer, I'd say it's a blessing from God. Long answer, I'd say it has been inspired from our history and mythology like Ramayana, Mahabharata, stories of the great ruler Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj, and Legenday Scholar Chanukya. It has also been inspired by the works, quotes, and music of some of the greatest artists of all times like K. Vishwanath sir, Sirivennela Seeta Rama Sastri sir, Illayaraja sir the DSP sir.

If you feel the emotions in my book touched your hearts, that is because they were expressing the feelings I had during the darkest of my times, while my eyes desperately searched for the light and if you relate to some of the characters or their inner turmoils, then let me assure you, like them, like me, you will find light too.

This book is a work of fantasy and the characters don't exist in real life, I am sure, but their hardships do, and so does the path to overcome them and I strongly believe it begins with you. Start loving yourself the way you expect the magical prince to love you. Believe in yourself. Care for yourself. Stand up for yourself. Have compassion for yourself. Forgive yourself. 

Don't drain in guilt, reflect on the actions. If you want to change the way, the world looks at you, you need to change the way you look at yourself and I really really hope this book helps you give a start, if not change your life.

Finally, I want to re-emphasize that this book is not mature rated. It is a romantic book, so there will be a lot of cute, sweet, and slightly intimiate moments between couples but you will not find any explicit adult scenes or descriptions. Neither would you find scenes of forced proximity, or abuse that is misrepresentated as love. 

It is a very concious choice of mine to not have them and I am well aware that if I had them, the potential of this book would profoundly increase but it is a matter of principles and I put my principles above my desire for success.

Having said that, if this book has a million views without any explicit content, am sure there is something that attracted a lot of readers like yourself, so do give it a try and come back to tell me how you feel ❤️

Ending with love

Ending with love

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ENCHANTED- BY LOVE (completed)Where stories live. Discover now