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*** Sruthi ***

Ludo - A game I love, a game that I always win. Yet never did I think playing ludo would be so horrifying. 

"Your highness, why did you not kill the Queen's pawn?" the general asked the king.

"It is just not a part of my stratergy," the king replied.

"The stratergy to make the queen win?" the general questioned. 

I seriously doubt where the he gets the courage to talk to the king like that. Despite her being the kindest, I would never be able to speak to the queen in such manner.

"No, of course not," the king lied.

"Your actions indicate otherwise," the general ranted like a little kid, "You and the queen are playing as a team......Ms. Sruthi is not killing anyone of you.....I am the only one who is getting cornored. This is unfair."

"It is just a game, general," the king said.

"Unethical game," the general corrected. "I am leaving," he said trying to get up.

"No general please," the queen consoled, "We are sorry." "How about we play as  teams? You can team up with Sruthi," she suggested.

Oh god, why!

"Hmm not a bad idea," the general said.

He was wrong. It was a terrible idea ~ especially for me.

 While the king and Queen played as a team, respecting each other's opinions and gracefully accepting instances of bad luck, the general and I were the complete opposite. He took complete control of both my pawns and his, blamed me when the dice showed a lower number, and had an unhealthy obsession to win. 

As expected, we lost!

"Let us play another round?" he suggested.

The queen looked at me and noticed my discomfort or rather the fact that I was on the verge of crying.

"Perhaps some other game, general?" she suggested.

"How about chess?" the general suggested excited.

"Perfect," the king supported, "Same teams?"

"No I cannot," I immediately said out loud and all eyes turned towards me. "Apologies, your highness," I said looking at the king, "I do not think I should be a part of any game." "I am, as what the general would describe," I said turning to the general, " too stupid."

The king and the general exchanged confused looks while I stood there awkwardly. I do not understand how they are both surprised that I was hurt by the general's actions and words.

"Sruthi, you are free to leave," the queen politely said and lightly smiled to show me her support and I immediately made my way out of that hell hole.

*** Next day ***

I was on my way out of the chambers, after serving tea to the king and queen, when I saw the general again. I was hoping to avoid having a conversation with him but he initiated talking.

"Where is the king?" he asked.

"He is with the queen," I answered.

"Playing chess, I assume," he asked. I nodded.

"If not for you, we would have been there too," he said frustrated.

"Is that your take away general?" I said surprised, "Do you still not realize what you did to me yesterday?"

"There is a reason why I had to take charge," the general argued, "You were very bad at the game."

"No, I was just scared," I oppossed, "I do not have the same rapport with the king as you do. I cannot all of a sudden play a game where I actively try to defeat him and his wife." 

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