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5 more votes to go....but I cannot wait....and I know publishing on a Tuesday morning is a terrible idea in terms of algorithm but guys I am as excited to see your reactions as you are to reading this story....so here it goes ❤️

Special shoutout to all the amazing readers who came back again and again to comment and help reach the target. I am not tagging you cause idk if you would be comfortable with it, but you know who you are and I love you so much :)

Again 350 comments and 800 votes and the next chapter will be out earlier too ❤️

*** Vaishnavi ***

Adi sat on the couch, leaning back crossing one leg over the other, his one finger tapping on the edge of the couch, a gesture he often does when he is angry. His deep breaths and angry eyes only adding to the fury.

 I adore Adi more than anyone else, but still, a slight hesitation in my heart always persists whenever he is angry.

I slowly went and sat beside him. He looked at me but quickly turned his gaze away.

"Don't hold yourself back," he commented not making eye contact, "I forced you to tell me every detail of your life while I kept the biggest secret of mine hidden. You are allowed to be angry."

"Just because I am allowed to, doesn't mean I have to," I said slowly and Adi looked at me surprised.

"You are not angry?" he asked genuinely confused, "After everything I've done?"

"You would've told me had it been only your secret," I said outloud, "but it's Nandu bhaiyya's secret too."

"The general, love" Adi corrected, "Call him the general."

 I fell silent.

I know Nandu bhaiyya is at wrong....but that doesn't mean I abandon him....he stood by my side even when I ran away....even when that broke his own brother's heart....for me to leave him because he made a mistake would be a sin.....

"Step brother," Adi said outloud interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"The general," Adi clarified, "He is my step brother. The result of my father's forbidden love with a prostitute while he was married to my mother."

I looked at Adi surprised.

"Is that why....is that why....you and the general grew up together?" I asked.

Adi shook his head.

"We grew up together because the retired general Sir Randheera adopted Nanda," he answered, "We were just friends. I did not even....did not even know he was my brother until a week after my father's death....a day before I was to be crowned as the future king."

*** Nanda ***

"You knew didn't you?" I still remember the day Adi stormed into my chambers, one day before he would be announced as the king.

"Your highness, I don't know what you are talking about?" I asked genuinely confused.

"I found the letter," Adi said gritting his teeth.

The letter....the letter that my father or should I say adopted father wrote to the king telling him that the mistake he made that night resulted in a baby boy.

"I confronted Randheera sir and he told me everything," Adi continued.

"Your highness...just..."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Adi asked angrily grabbing my collar, "All these years we've been friends....did it not occur to you....to tell me the truth....not even once?"

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