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Did not plan for this update but so many of you have asked, so here you go ❤️

Hopefully I reah 600 followers and 200K reads on this speacial day and please please comment your thoughts as you read through :)

That would be my return gift for Diwali 😉

*** Sruthi ***

"You pushed it too far, princess," he said caging me between the wall and himself, "Pushed it too far!"

To say that I am terrified would be an understatement. The absolute unhelplessness of the situation as he held both my wrists, the way he was leaning over me, and the pure hatred in his eyes were more than enough to make this the most intimidating experience ever.....but....I don't know why a small part of me still believed that I am safe.....

I am delusional....or actually.....

"The king will not spare you if you hurt me," I said outloud.

The general smiled and took a step forward closing the little left gap.

"I will plant evidence in your chambers and frame you as a spy," he replied, the casuality in his tone only making his statement more horrifying, "then tell the king I killed you because I found out, the king will not only support me but will be forced to go after your family."

I remained silent, absolutely speechless....

"I was a caged moster Gati," he added, "Shouldn't have broken my chains."

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked into his eyes desperate to find atleast a glimpse of humanity and as if something in him clicked he immediately let go of my hands.

I tried to run once again. "Don't you dare," his next command made my feet stop and I turned back waiting for my fate to unfold.

Nanda brought the apology letter, stamp pad and gave it to me.

Not wanting trouble, I immediately put my finger print on the letter, approving his apology. He then gave me another empty paper prompting me to approve that as well.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"It is going to state that you wish to train under me to learn battle stratergies, in order to be able to better protect the Queen," he replied plainly.

"I don't want that," I said outloud.

"I want that," he stated stepping a little forward while I took a step back. "They say the general's training is hell," he said taking another step forward, "But for you, my princess, the general's hell is your training."

What did I even do to deserve all this....we were being playful....where did I go wrong....

"Approve it," the general's next statement interrupted my thoughts.

I lightly shook my head.

"Either you approve it with ink or I make you approve it with blood," he warned.

I hesitated for a moment hoping this would all turn out to be a dream or even a joke....but it didn't....there is no way out....left with no choice, I reluctantly put my impression and gave the paper back to him.

"Rest well tonight, darling," he said rolling the papers, "This will be the last night."

"See you tomorrow after sunset, in my office chambers," he added and left.

*** Vaishnavi ***

"Really?" I asked Adi as we were in the middle of our sword fight.

"Yes, I am equally surprised," he replied, "Sruthi went from torturing the general, to forgiving him, to wanting to train under him....all in one night."

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