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*** Sruthi ***

I slowly opened my sleepy eyes to find Nanda at a distance adjusting his hair, about to leave for work.

"Leaving for work so early in the morning?" I asked in my sleepy voice.

"Early?" Nanda chuckled, "Princess, work starts in 5 min."

"What?" I said pancking as I leaped out of bed. "I am going to be late for my administrative duty," I said as I tried to run out of the room but Nanda held my hand and pulled me back into his embrance.

"You would be glad to know your boss is your husband," he whispered in my ears as he took a paper from the desk. "I already filled out the leave application," he stated, "sign it and I'll approve."

"But...but..." I hesitated, "if the King gets to find out that I am taking leaves for no reason he will investigate me."

"As long as I am with you, princess," Nanda replied, "Not even the King can hurt you." 

I smiled.

"Sign it quick, I am getting late," he said. I took the papers and signed it.

"Having said that," he said taking back the papers. "I am not allowed to be around during his investigations, so good luck!" he stated and my heart skipped a beat.

"Nandujiiii," I said panicking.

"Joking princess," he smiled, "joking! Adi knows and is okay with it."

I immediately hit him on the shoulder.

"Attacking an officer in uniform!" he exclaimed in disbelief.

"Am I not allowed to?" I asked firmly.

"Of course you are no-"

"Nanduji?" I added and his demeanor immediately changed.

"You are allowed to," he replied, "Of course you are allowed to."

"That word is giving you too much power," he whispered to himself and I smiled.

Meanwhile we heard a knock on the door.

Nanduji went and opened the door to find Pallu and the moment she noticed the weapons on him, she immediately lowered her eyes.

Nanda sighed and put his sword on the table.

"I am unarmed," he stated and Pallu looked up at him.

"For long are you going to be like this Pallu?" he asked concerned, "You do realize that you work in the palace right? If you lower your eyes everytime you see a sword, the only thing you will be able to look at is the floor."

"I am considering resigning my job," Pallu stated, "I just need your help when the king asks for an explanation."

"You are not getting any," Nanda stated firmly.

"Nanduji," I said offended on behalf of my sister.

"Stay of this Sruthi," he said seriously as he pointed a finger at me before turning towards Pallu.

Why is Nanduji not working? Is this a dream?

"Pallu you are the youngest and the only women to be honoured with a bravery award from the King," he stated looking at her, "The only female who volunteered to be a soldier. Do you not realize the potential that you have to make a difference. The brilliant things that you could do to..."

"It was all circumstantial Nandu bhaiyya," Pallu interrupted, "I was just a kid who knows nothing but to run away. A kid who always created trouble. Just because I saved the Queen once, doesn't mean I become a warrior overnight."

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