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*** Adinath ***

"So? What happened?" I asked Sruthi.

"Uh...your highness...actually...." Sruthi hesitated.

"Sruthi, I don't have time," I said frustrated.

Sruthi gulped and looked down before responding. 

"I...don't know, your highness," she said, "I wasn't there."

"WHAT?" I said angrily. Sruthi fliched. "Isn't that literally your job?!"

"I...I am sorry...your highness," Sruthi apologized almost about to cry.

"Just get out," I said frustrated and she quickly left.

Naina was the next one to come and I really hope she has some answers and not surprisingly she did.

"Meihu," she answered, "It's always her."

"I know my testimony wouldn't count your highess," Naina continued, "But for the queen's sake you need to know this. The queen can bring light even to a room full of darkness. I don't know her past, but I asssure you, whatever it is, it is not affecting her present. She genuinely desires to be happy and cheerful and she is most of the times, especially after she interacts with you."

That statement put a smile on her face.

"But then that witch sweeps in out of nowhere, requests to speak to her in private, and snatches the smile away from her face," Naina continued.

"Hmm," I nodded as I clenched my fist hard to control my anger.

Imagine knowing exactly what the problem is and not being able to do anything about it!

"Your highness, don't be too hard on yourself," Naina consoled.

I shook my head.

"If Sruthi said the same thing that would've been enough to get rid of Meihu," I said angrily, "But no, she has to stupidly wander off somewhere."

"But you did suspend Meihu," Naina consoled, "That's a good start!"

"Not enough," I shook my head.

"I am sure it wouldn't be long before Nanda finds enough evidence to put her in prison," Naina assured, "I think it would be beneficial if you invest your time in developing your relationship with the queen instead."

I nodded. Naina is right. Nanda can deal with Meihu. I will focus on my wife.

*** The next day ***

*** Vaishnavi ***

"Rise and shine, your highness," Pallavi's playful words woke me up. I instintively turned towards my side, to see if Adi is beside me, but he isn't.

How would he be? This is not our chambers. This is my private chambers!

"Your highness, we've arranged for a bath,"  Sruthi added. Naina was beside her and Meihu was no where to be found.

"Where is Meihu?" I asked.

"The king has ordered her to stay away from you," Sruthi answered.

"Is she in prison?" I asked concerned.

"I wish," Pallu replied and Sruthi lightly hit her on her head. "What?" said Pallu angrily, "She never lets the queen stay happy. Always spoiling everything with her private conversation," she mocked.

"Shhh," Sruthi warned Pallu. "Your highness, Meihu is not imprisoned. She is just not allowed to meet you," she answered me, "Everything else in her life remains the same."

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