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Early update as promised :)

*** Vaishnavi ***

"Tsk" I said annoyed as Adi suddenly snatched the pen from my hand without even taking his eyes off of the file he was analyzing. Things have gotten quite annoying ever since we moved our study tables beside each other.

"Adi I am working," I said annoyed. Adi simply pointed his finger at the sand clock indicating that the 10 additional minutes I asked for are now over and it is time for me to go to sleep.

"10 more min-" I tried to flip the sand clock again but Adi firmly held my wrist. 

"You work late every.single.day," I argued making Adi finally look up.

"I also wake up late every.single.day," he answered, "you don't."

"I just have 5 more entries left to finish the salary report," I explained, "Let go of my hand, please."

Adi shook his head and pointed towards the bed with his eyes.

"Let me go, Patidev," I said 'sweetly' and Adi immediately let go of my hand in pure annoyance the moment he heard that word.

I chuckled.

Adi shook his head and flipped the sand clock giving me another chance.

"If you don't go to bed by the time it runs out, I am going to make you," he warned, "irrespective of how you address me."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and went to focus back on my report ~ entering the leaves and tallying the salary for each member of the Queen's cabinet but stopped when my eyes fell on the name 'Meihu - Queen's confident'

Right....Queen's confident....

"Adi," I called out.

"Yes, beautiful," he answered.

"Since this is the end of the month, I can replace and shuffle roles if I want to, right?" I asked.

"Mmm hmm," Adi nodded, "Just put in the request and I'll approve it."

"Can I..." I hesitated, "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead," Adi said casually still unaware of my nervousness as he is focussed on his work.

"You won't get angry, right?" I asked again and that got his attention making him take his eyes off work to look at me.

"What is it about?" he asked as his eyes moved to the paper on my desk. I immediately put my hand over it covering it's contents.

"Answer me first," I said, "please."

"I can't promise that," he replied, "but I can promise to remain calm despite my anger."

"Can you also promise to not walk away or interrupt me until I am done talking?" I asked hesitantly.

Adi remained silent and looked into my eyes for a couple of seconds before speaking.

"Take your hand off the desk and I'll answer that," he said and I reluctantly removed my hand.

Adi took the paper. "Meihu," he signed as he frustatedly rolled his hand across his neck.

"This isn't going to end well, is it?" he asked looking back at me.

"It...might..." I replied. Adi threw the paper back on the table and took a deep breath.

"Alright, I promise," he said, his voice making it very clear that it is taking him all his willpower to remain calm.

"I am thinking of...." I nervously started, "making Sruthi my confident and replacing Meihu."

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