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Here is a new chapter and before we move on, just know that this and every chapter that come after are some of my favorites and also the MOST challenging ones to write alongside the debate and interrogation chapters so buckle up, you are in for a ride ❤️

Target for next chapter - 1.2K votes and 600 comments (as this is a big chapter)

*** Sruthi ***

The general and the king left for the borders?

North borders!?

It would a take a week to atleast reach there.

Why would they all of a sudden decide to go there?

Only the Queen could answer.

I immediately ran to her chambers and found her talking with some soldiers.

"Your highness, why did the King and the general decide to go to the borders?" I asked anxiously.

"I am not aware as well, Sruthi," the Queen said and meanwhile we found Vishnu sir acorss the corridors.

"Vishnu sir," the Queen yelled and ran towards him. 

I followed.

"Greetings, your highness," Vishnu sir bowed.

The Queen nodded and asked her question without any delay. "Sir, why did the king and his men leave for borders?"

"I am not aware as well, your highness," Vishnu sir replied, "but the Finance minister has called for an emergency meeting to discuss the same."

"Emergency meeting?" the Queen asked confused.

"Were you not invited, your highness?" Vishnu sir asked back equally confused.

The Queen shook her head.

"That's strange," Vishnu sir replied, "You are the Queen, head of a cabinet, and a councellor. That meeting shouldn't be happening without you."

The Queen simply remained silent.

Sometimes she truly forgets who she is.....had it been me, I would've been furious at the disrespect....

"Why don't you come with me, your highness?" Vishnu sir asked, "I am heading towards the meeting chambers now."

"Certainly," the Queen nodded and followed him. "Come along, Sruthi," she added before I could even ask and soon enough I found myself entering the emergency meeting chambers.

"Your highness?" the Finance minister and everyone else immediately stood up and bowed. "You shouldn't have taken the trouble of coming here," he respectfully told the Queen, "one message and we would've all visited you ourselves."

Perhaps I've judged too soon.

"Appreciate the respect, sir," the Queen replied, "but I do wish to fulfil my duties as a councellor as well. Please do not exclude me from the meeting invites."

"As you command, your highness," the Finance minister replied and guided the Queen to one of the chairs, "Please take a seat."

The Queen sat down and the rest of the men followed suit. I looked around and found Veer and his team standing at one corner and went to stand beside them.

"Do you know anything?" I asked Veer.

He shook his head. "Whatever, it is, I just know it's not good," he replied. Meanwhile the Finance minister started talking.

"Thank you everyone for joining on such a short notice," he started, "As we all know, the King, General Nanda and a few soldiers have left for the North borders and while this might look like an issue of concern, I would like to re-emphasize that it is not." "There have been minor riots along the borders of the Agastya empire and the Nine Kingdoms and King Vishwanath has called for an emergency meeting with the King to sort out the same and given the long lasting friendship between the two kingdoms we can expect this to be sorted out within a day."

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