Chapter 6 The Power Within You

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April and Cassidy were still on their way to the lake, they had been walking for the past two hours and they were still deep in conversation.

"... And that would be my story. Your turn."

"You know I only talked about my life in Valeria with Tanya, Livian, Dairon, Aaron and Catherine. I barely know elves and fairies except for them. Now that I think it all through maybe that wasn't the smartest thing to do."

"Yeah, you could have spread your circle of friends. But it's never too late for that, you could always fix that up later."

The April froze for at least a second she didn't want to tell anyone, and that's including Cassidy, that she was planning to find a way to go back to her world after defeating Ember.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right."

"Is anything else bugging you?"

"Every since I came to Valeria everyone behaves like it's my responsibility to protect the kingdom, it's not like I'm royalty to do so. No offence."

"None was taken. So you're telling me that everyone expects you to solve this problem because you're Ariana's granddaughter?"

"Exactly. And it drives me crazy. I mean how can they expect me to solve some whole, especially Catherine, who keeps secrets from me?"

"Easy there. As I understand, Catherine had spoken to you about the things she had been keeping from you."

"Yeah, but... I just feel like she's hiding something more, something big."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. I guess it's just the way she behaves around me."

"April, is that the lake?"

"Yeah, we're here."

Cassidy was amazed by the beauty of the lake.

They sat down near the lake and relaxed a bit.

Cassidy thought that April could do some relaxation exercises that were often used in Narindel when they had classes for fairies who were developing their powers.

"I don't see how this could help me," April told Cassidy.

"You need to relax and clear your mind. Our trip has been a warm-up to this."

"I try to relax and nothing ever happens."

"You know, Livian told me a theory about this."

"What theory is that?"

"He thinks your fiery eyes are the curse which Ember had put on your grandma and which you inherited."

"So what now?"

"Well, I can try to remove it, but I honestly don't think there is a curse relating to you or your eyes."

"So, if there's no curse, what do you think the problem may be?"

"You. I think you, yourself, are preventing your powers from developing."

"But I tried everything to achieve them, but nothing works."

"Okay. We'll try Livian'a theory first. But before removing the curse I have to see if there is any course there in the first place. Now please sit here and look at me."

Cassidy kneeled in front of April and started to chant some unfamiliar words that made no sense to April. She placed her palm in front of April's eyes, for some reason she had the urge to pull them aside but she didn't want to interrupt whatever Cassidy was doing.

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