Party Planners (Part 2)

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Ideas by: idevourerbooks

About: The spyracers plan a last-minute surprise party for Matsuo's birthday. Echo struggles to find a gift that screams, "I LOVE YOU AND I CARE!" and the rest of the spyracers are under pressure when they only have a few hours to set up before Matsuo arrives. Will they finally see Matsuo's hard exterior crack under this emotional event?

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Third-person POV

The door slowly creaked open and Matsuo stepped in. He looked around, confused, before slowly reaching for the light.

"Surprise!" Everyone jumped out of their hiding spots. Eyes wide, mouth dropping open, Matsuo had an expression on his face that no one had ever seen before. 

 "What's this?" He stuttered as Echo ran over to give him a tight hug. Matsuo smiled widely at her and hugged her back.

"Happy birthday, Matsuo!" Echo smiled, "It's a surprise party!" 

"I've never been to or even had a surprise party before; how does it work?" 

"Well," Tony steps forward and leads Matsuo toward the table. "We eat cake, celebrate, and you get to open presents at the end!"

"I didn't know what kind of food you enjoy, so I got a little bit of everything." Paige smiled as they all sat down at the table. "I hope you like it."

The crew lit the candles on the cake, and they started to sing 'Happy Birthday'. When the song ended, everyone clapped, and Paige insisted that Matsuo try the cake that she ordered.

Matsuo looked hesitant, at first, but then he finally took a bite, "This is very good. I want to thank everyone for being thoughtful and letting me experience this for the first time."

"You're welcome, Matsuo, I hope we can experience this many more times in the future." Cisco lunged forward to hug Matsuo but he ducked out of Cisco's grasp. Cisco crashed into the table that the cake was sitting on and it flew off the table, landing in Echo's lap.

Frostee burst out laughing, "Hahaha! You just got caked!"

Echo made a face at the cake that was in her lap and started laughing when she saw Matsuo smiling at her. Everyone joined in, laughing until their stomachs hurt.

"I'll get you some paper towels and you can clean up," Paige said, standing up.

"Now I can't eat my cake anymore." Matsuo frowned. "I was looking forward to eating another slice."

Paige walked back, paper towels in hand. "Well, we can always eat the backup cake! I've been waiting for this moment to showcase my culinary talents!" She grinned at Tony and Shashi.

"You have a backup cake?!" Tony exclaimed.

"Of course I do. And everyone here must try a slice." Paige smirked, revealing a white, frosted cake.

Shashi's eyes grew wide. "Don't tell me you baked that."

"Of course I did. How am I supposed to get better when I don't practice babe? When I heard how much you guys wanted to try my cake, I knew I had to bake one for all of you to try. Eat up."

She cut a generous slice for everyone and watched them eat. Shashi and Tony didn't even bother to hide how bad the cake was. They just spit it right back out the second they put it in their mouths. Cisco, Echo, Frostee, Layla, and Matsuo all wanted to be polite and tried to swallow the cake.

"Mmm!" Frostee said making a face. "What did you put in the cake, Paige? It has a. . . a unique taste to it." 

"Water!!" Cisco shouted, his eyes starting to tear up. "I need water!" 

Echo laughed, as Cisco was chugging a bottle of water. "You better not answer that question, Paige. I don't even want to know what you put in it."

"What did you say was the next part of a birthday party? After eating cake?" Matsuo asked.

"Right! My favorite part of a birthday party. It's time for presents!" Tony exclaimed. "I'll go first." Tony handed Matsuo a rectangular box wrapped in green wrapping paper. "Open it!"

Matsuo ripped the wrapping paper, uncovering a toy cactus. "What's this?"

"If you tell the cactus something, it will repeat whatever you said. Only higher! And it dances!" Tony laughed.

Paige elbowed Tony as if to say 'That is the most useless and meaningless gift ever.' Shashi cleared his throat. "Paige and I have something for you too."

"It was kind of hard to wrap so we didn't wrap it. We hope you like it." Paige said handing Matsuo a long, rectangular box.

Matsuo's eyes lit up as he lifted the lid. "Thank you. It is beautiful." He admired the carvings on the handle of the sword. 

"Matsuo, I haven't known you for long, I know you really like art though, so I got you a set of new brushes." Layla handed over a paper bag.

"Thank you, I will put it to good use." Matsuo replied.

"My present was kind of the cake. The one that got squished?" Frostee spoke up hesitantly, "I'll get you something another time."

Matsuo smiled, "It is okay. Do not worry. The cake was wonderful."

"Last present!" Cisco jumped up and down, "Echo and I got this for you." Echo pushed forward a big box with holes in it. 

"I hope you like it. Open it!" Echo smiled before kissing Matsuo on the cheek.

Matsuo hesitantly opened the lid and the cutest husky puppy jumped out and tackled him to the ground.

"What..." Matsuo began before the puppy peppered him with sloppy, wet kisses.

"Meet Katsura! Happy birthday, Matsuo." 

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