Sneaking Out

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Ideas byibella3282007

About: Frostee gets to go on a mission none of the other spyracers haven't been informed on. The crew catches Frostee sneaking out and let's just say, they're not really happy about it.

Third Person POV

The clouds drifted lazily across the moon, only allowing a sliver of eerie moonlight to peek through. Frostee checked his surroundings and his watch. Coast was clear. He tiptoed to the door and opened it slowly. The metal door made a creaking sound d as he shut it behind him. He winced and prayed anyone hadn't heard. Taking a deep breath AND TOOK his first step. Suddenly, the light inside the house turned on. Sounds and footsteps quickly followed. Frostee's eyes widened and he considered jumping into the bush.

I was sure they were asleep. I was quiet. Well, kind of. I live in a house full of spies.

"STOP!" Echo yelled behind him, "Get back here thief!" Frostee sighed. It was no use running from his family. They knew him way too well. He sighed and turned around. Echo gasped. Tony gaped. Cisco shouted.

"FROST-BITE! You're not running away are you?" Cisco panicked and looked hurt.

"We need answers now," Layla said, "Let me make this clear. I do NOT like waking up at 3 in the morning. Frostee lowered his eyes guilty.

"What were you doing outside?" Tony asked, concerned. Frostee hesitated.

"I was on a mission." Everyone gasped.

"Okay, so you didn't think of telling us?" Layla asked.

"What happened to family first?" Cisco bawled.

"Stop guys! Let Frostee talk." Echo shouted over them and boy, did she look mad.

"The agency called me last week, asking me on a mission. I asked them if you guys knew and didn't tell me but they said you didn't. They needed someone who was "Tech-Savvy".

"I thought we would always stick together." Cisco frowned.

"So that's why you've been acting so funky these past days. Being weirdly quiet, mysterious phone calls, sneaking around, being ridiculously busy," Layla counted off her fingers. 

"GUYS!" Frostee shouted, "I'm sorry okay? I promise I won't do anything like this anymore. But I'm also growing up, and I can take care of myself. Please don't be so overprotective of me!" Cisco wiped a tear from his eye.

"You're going up too fast!" He said and hugged Frostee. Tony joined in. Layla and Echo rolled their eyes before joining in.

"I would never leave my family behind. I'm sorry."


This is my first reader's request. I hope you enjoyed it! Wanna request for next week? Comment down below before this Tuesday! Stay tuned for my Valentine's Day Special!


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