𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙸

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It's 7.15am on a Monday morning and the damn annoying alarm clock starts ringing. If I ever met the person whose idea it was to set up the schools, they'd never see another day.

I reluctantly sit up and rubbed my eyes. I look around my dimly lit room, searching for something to wear. I noticed a black hoodie hanging on the doorframe and wide-legged jeans on the floor. I decide to wear them today and grab some socks from the closet. I grab my backpack from beside the desk and head downstairs.

"Jaemin! Come eat breakfast, you should be on your way already." Mum exclaims as soon as I enter the kitchen. At the moment, I couldn't care less about going to school or even getting out of bed at this time, so being a little late is not going to tickle my ass.

"Good morning." I reply, ignoring what my mother just said. I grab a Red Bull from the fridge, put on my shoes and head off to school.

The cool autumn wind is messing up my hair. I curse when it starts going everywhere and I look like 2010's Justin Bieber. I open the can of Redbull and take a sip. I probably wouldn't have survived many school mornings without it.

While I was trying to adjust my hair and drink my drink, I heard a familiar voice calling my name. Suddenly, Jisung appeared walking beside me.

"Have you studied for that physics test? I was up till almost two in the morning!" he started to fuss. Shit, do we have a test today? The game is already lost at this point.


I sat down with my friends at the round table in the canteen after the physics test. The sharpest people probably already guessed that it didn't go too well.

"We've got an English project coming up, it's some kind of pair work I think." Donghyuck announced at the same time as I was thinking about how I was going to explain the C in my physics exam to my parents next week.

"I wonder if we get to pick a partner, because if I get paired with some asshole like Jen-" I was about to say until I felt a slap on my back. I slowly turned around, as I already had a strong guess who it was.

Lee fucking Jeno

I've hated Jeno ever since he came to the same class in ninth grade. Ever since then he's always messed with me and teased me and my whole group of friends, which includes me, Jisung, Donghyuck and Renjun. I don't know what I've done to him but he clearly has a problem. Jeno is also very popular in the whole school. He's good looking, has a good body and a cute smile. Of course he and his gang have all the girls drooling over them. The whole gang, which by the way, besides Jeno, includes Mark and Chenle, and the slightly older Hendery, Johnny and Taeyong, is a bunch of assholes. I don't know how they're all so popular when they're all the same pitchforks.

"Ain't you talking about me, angel?" Jeno laughed. He's been calling me that for quite a while now, just to tease me. I gave him an annoyed glare.

"Don't worry, I don't want to start a big project with any of you either." Jeno scoffed.

"Would giving us peace be anything?" Donghyuck asked in an angry voice.

"Don't raise your voice, elf." Chenle shushed him, even though he was only couple inches taller than Donghyuck. Jeno ruffled my hair and then the whole gang left. What a bunch of assholes. I keep eating and praying to some gods, aka the English teacher, not to put me with any of them.


I sit on the back benches with Jisung and we chat while people come into the classroom and the teacher adjusts something on her computer.

"Okay class, we will start a big project in pairs, which is a big part of the evaluation. You have a month and a half, we don't use lessons at school for this so please take some time out of your free time to do this." the teacher explains. My hands are sweating as the teacher shouts out pairs and topics and all my friends or even semi friends start to disappear from the list.

"Next! Let's see... Jeno and Jaemin!" The teacher shouts. I felt a lump in my throat when I heard both of our names in the same sentence. This can't be fucking possible.

I glance at Jeno, who looks relaxed as if nothing major has happened. I have a big project to do with that thing over there, which is a big part of the evaluation, and I have to spend my free time on it? What did I do in my former life to deserve this.



Heyy my beautiful lovely people. I want to apologise for this chapter being a bit short and boring, but I promise the next chapters will be longer and much more interesting as I've already written them so please look forward to it! As a side note, english is not my first language so ignore any mistakes and tell me ahead😭

Remember new chapter every monday ;)

word count: 890

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