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Lauren layed in bed crying in fetal position. Debating what to do with Louis, the man she thought she loved. The man she thought loved her. The realisation that she discovered that Louis cheats on her came last night. Lauren was too busy feeling empty, mourning about Ella and her relationship with Louis.

Lauren wrapped herself around a soft blanket made out of expensive fabric and made her way towards one of the spare bedrooms in their house. There stood the piano and a vase of white roses. She asked Camila to prune them from the garden and put them in a vase. Her fingers travelled over the white rose petals and she sighed. Sat by the piano and her fingers found the keys to the song she used to play to Ella to make her fall asleep. She played it way too less, she craved to play it everynight to Ella.

"Time after time,
I tell myself that I'm,
So lucky to be loving you

So lucky to be,
The one you run to see
In the evening
When the day is through."

Lauren sighed and closed her eyes as her fingers again found the familiar keys and her voice found the right note.

"I only know what I know,
The passing years will show.
You've kept my love so young,
So new."

Lauren could feel a small tear forming and streaming down her flushed cheek.

"And time after time,
You'll hear me say that I'm,
So lucky to be loving you."

Lauren let her fingers play the last keys and she looked up. Camila.

"Camila?" She breathed out.

"Lo, that was beautiful." Camila stood in the door leaning with her shoulder and side against the door. A towel over her shoulder and drips of sweat on her forehead. The girl wore a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Her hand ran through her hair, "can I come in?"

"Sure, I used to play this to Ella, when she wouldn't fall asleep." Lauren chuckled, "She was not the best sleeper."

"She was very sick, right?" Camila asked carefully and soft. She sat on the bench next to Lauren and placed her hand slowly on her shoulder.

"Yes, she was premature. So she was verh vurnable for ilnesses. We only had three weeks with her."

"Three weeks?" Camila asked, Lauren nodded.
"So young." She whispered.

"Louis also cheated."

Camila gave her a look full of compassion.
"You feel really hurt, don't you?"

Lauren nodded and softly began to cry, "I do and so empty as if no one is here for me."

"You have me." Camila softly said, too fast to her own liking but it was the truth. "And you have your friends."

Lauren nodded, "I know and they support me. And I feel that you do too."

Camila smiled, "I'm glad you feel supported. If there is anything I can do for you... you just have to say."

"Play me a song." Lauren didn't really ask, she just demanded. Camila nodded carefully.
Her fingers started playing a much covered song. But she perferred Amy Winehouse her version.

"There is no greater love,
Then what I feel... for you"
Camila looked to her right and smiled at Lauren.

"No sweeter song,
No heart so true."

One Night ( CAMREN - Camila G!P )Where stories live. Discover now