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Lauren signed the papers and put them in the enveloppe.

"Are you okay?" Camila rested her hands on the older woman's shoulders.

Lauren shrugged, "I don't know."

Camila sighed and sat on the chair next to her, "It's hard, I understand. To end something is not easy."

"And now it's final. But I'm also glad." Lauren said and leaned in towards her girlfriend and grinned. "Now I have you." Lauren kissed her.

Camila laughed during the kiss and broke it to speak, "Well Ms. Jauregui do I need to water something today?"

Lauren smirked, "I know something that is already wet..." Camila laughed and stood up grabbing Lauren's arm leading het to the bedroom.

"You seem really happy Mila. I'm so happy for you." Dinah said and sighed, "Who would've thought you would found the love with your boss?" The girls both laughed, "I'm sorry, I have the feeling I wasn't the bestest friend for the past months."
Camila hugged Dinah, "it's okay Cheechee. I love you, you know."

Dinah smiled, "I mean, who doesn't love this." She said as her hands travelled from upper body downwards. Camila could only laugh.

Lauren and Camila were quick to move in together. They found a cute house not far from were she used to live with Dinah. And that house soon turned into a home...

A year after they moved in, the couple was expecting their son Levi.


Lauren picked up her precious little boy: "Let's go look at mommy Levi."

Lauren walked downstairs and searched in the kitchen. No one. The one year old "ma-ma".
Lauren smiled "yes that's right baby boy!"

Lauren walked through the kitchen and opened the cracking door that led outside. That's when she saw her wife, of course she is outside.

"Camz! Levi is awake." Camila came out the orangery with a tomato in her hand. "Oh there are my two favorite people in the whole world!"

Camila took Levi from Lauren and carefully spinned him around as he laughed. She gave Lauren a kiss and smiled, "I love you." She sang and Lauren giggled, "I love you too."

A throat was cleared behind them and they turned around, "Okay lovebirds can you cut the pda." Normani said and Dinah followed close behind. "They're in love mani. Like we are." She winked and Normani rolled her eyes. Kendall followed close behind the couple with her dog and laughed, "I'm glad I ain't need a man to be happy."

Camila smirked, "Maybe you need a woman." And winked. Lauren elbowed her, "Stop it Camz."

Kendall laughed, "Don't worry Lauren. I only like Bobby." And Bobby licked Kendall's face while the two couples cringed.

Lauren switched her life around. Her fancy house was now a small house without a swimming pool. But Lauren didn't mind. Camila's gardening company took off like a rocket. Lauren's art bussiness was still going strong. But yet the smaller house was everything Lauren could have wished for her. A normal life, with the love of her life and their son. Her friends that still came over whenever they wanted. Lauren is happy. She couldn't have been any happier than she is now with Camila.

She left her fancy life and she still has no regrets

One Night ( CAMREN - Camila G!P )Where stories live. Discover now