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"I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!!! Aaarggh!!!" Camila threw her backpack in the corner of the livingroom and jumped in the leather couch next to Dinah.

"Chanch, what's wrong?" Dinah frowned her eyebrows and pulled Camila into a hug.

"I've been working for her for two weeks and yet she says she doesn't remember that night." Camila said and snuggled into Dinah's body. Dinah sighed, "Mila, she's married, you should give up."

"God Dinah, what I would do for one more night with her. She's incredible."

"She really must be." Dinah smirked and giggled.

Camila sighed, "She knows how young I am, that's why she tries to forget about it. She thinks of me as a stupid teenager tha-"

"You are twenty-one though." Ally walked into the livingroom interupting our conversation and sat in the leather chair next to the couch with a glass of wine near her mouth.

"She's thrirty." Camila confessed and looked down, "I like her, yup there I said it." Camila shook her head and sighed. Dinah smiled sadly and played with the brunette's hair.

"You always fall for the bad girls Mila." Ally responded sadly and took a sip of her glass of red wine.

"Try to seduce her! Don't give up if you really want this."

"Dinah Jane.." Ally warned.

"What Ally Brooke? What does she got to lose?"

"You are right Dinah. I need to show her what she's missing." Camila said smirking.


"Hello Mrs Tomlinson." Camila greeted briefly as she walked into the yard were Lauren was smoking a cigarette.

"Goodmorning Camila." She nodded once and took a drag of her cigarette. She blew out the smoke looking fucking sexy.

"What can I do for you today?" Camila asked formal.

"My husband asked you to weed and plant some more roses. White roses to be exact."

"Are those your favourites Mrs Tomlinson?"

"That's none of your bussines Camila." Lauren pushed the cigarette in the ashtray and looked up, only to see Camila stripping out of her clothing.
She was pulling off her black sweater, making her light blue T-shirt she was wearing, rise up so Camila's abs were showed. Lauren licked her lips and had no mercy. She checked out every inch of Camila's body and she knew it wouldn't take too long for her to fuck her.

"I'll be working Mrs Tomlinson." Camila said with a smile and winked at Lauren before turning around, walking towards the garage, swaying her hips forcely.
Lauren bit her bottom lip.

"Camila." She said demanding.

Camila smirked, she knew it worked. slowly she turned around facing Lauren again, walking closer towards her.

"Yes Mrs Tomlinson?" She asked softly, almost whispering.

"I need your help with something."

"Oh?" Camila raised her right eyebrow and looked at Lauren confused. Lauren's raven black locks waved in the wind, making her look even better. The sun hit her poreclain skin that was slightly red from the sun burn. Her floral dress covered her long legs, but Camila didn't care, she looked beautiful. Lauren didn't need to look vulgar or be naked to look beautiful.

"I need you to come with me to my art studio."

"Art studio?"

Lauren nodded, "I sell art Camila. I need you to help me carry the boxes."

Camila nodded sadly, Lauren really need and wanted her for work. "Let's leave."


Camila watch Lauren intense as they stopped by a red light. "How long have you been selling art?"

Lauren liked the way Camila showed intrest in her. She liked the way Camila wanted to get to know her better than her husband does.

"5 years." She answered shortly and drove again. They stopped at a huge artistic, white, modern building. And Lauren opened the door and stepped out of the car. Camila followed quickly.

As they entered the art gallery Camila's eyes widened, so much beautiful art, she wondered if Lauren made one of these masterpieces.

"Do you also make art?" Camila asked geniune intrested in Lauren as she inspected every piece on the wall carefully.

"I did, but then..-" Lauren stopped herself and sighed, "Something happened and I didn't had the energy to make it anymore. Mostly it was sad cause of what happened."

Camila nodded sadly, "I'm sorry Lauren but I must say, you have awesome taste."

"Thank you very much Camila."

Lauren leaded her to a stocking room with several boxes in. "I need you to carry these to my car." Camila raised an eyebrow and looked at the 5 large boxes, wondering if they would fit Lauren's Ford Mustand. But Camila did as she was asked and picked up two off the light boxes and carried them to Lauren's car. As Camila walked back, Lauren was still leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. Lauren was watching every single move Camila made. The way Camila's muscles tensed when she picked up the boxes to when Camila licked her lips when she lifted the boxes, trying to concentrate.

Camila wiped off some sweat off her forehead, "So Mrs Tomlinson, that's done. Any other way I can help you?" Camila could hear Lauren's high heels come closer to hers. She looked up facing Lauren's smirk that was all over her face. Camila became nervous, did she do anything wrong? All she did was do what Lauren asked for. She gulped when Lauren stopped right in front of her.

"Fuck me Camila. Fuck me so hard till I can't walk."

One Night ( CAMREN - Camila G!P )Where stories live. Discover now