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Camila sat at Starbucks with her two friends. "God I have a hangover." Dinah groaned and took a sip of her black coffee.

"Do you always drink black coffee?"

"I like my women, like I like my coffee, Ally." Dinah winked.

"God Dinah I don't need details."

"It was terrible," Camila said and scrunched her nose. "All night long, oh yes Dinah. Harder harder! Use your tongue! Fuck yes!"

"That girl liked my skillz." Dinah shrugged. "I can't help it if I get laid Mila. The girls love me. Sorry."

Ally laughed and Camila rolled her eyes. "For your information, I did get laid."

"What?!" Dinah asked.

"Volume Dinah!" Ally scolded and focused back on me, "When?"

"Last night. Toilet stall."

"Eww" Ally scrunched up her nose.

"So romantic." Dinah said.

"God she was so good." Camila still felt high of the thrill the mysterious woman gave her.

"What's her name?" Ally asked, slightly excited for Camila. After the break up with Ariana 6 months ago, Camila hasn't been seeing anyone and Camila build a wall around her that was hard to break. But this woman must've been crazy or really good.

"I don't know." Camila shrugged her shoulders. "She didn't want to say."

"Was she older?" Dinah asked curious.

"Deffinatly older. Older than you Ally."

"This can only happen to you Walz. No name, no phone number."

"I know." Camila groaned, "I regret not asking it again but she didn't want to tell me."

"Well she must've observed you cause she knew you went to the bathroom." Ally pointed out and Camila nodded. "She was beautiful. I've never seen someone look so good."

"Not even me Chanch?"

Camila rolled her eyes and Ally laughed. "Shut up! Well switching the subject. I need a job." Camila sighed, "My dad's stopping with the support he used to give me during my college."

"Well you've been graduated for 6 months now Mila."

Camila groaned, "I know I know, but schools don't want to hire me because I'm too young and don't have experience except for my internship."

Dinah gave Camila a sad smile, "I'm sorry Mila.. Oh my god! You remember Normani, right? From yesterday?" Camila and Ally nodded.

"Her friend searched for a gardener. She's very rich. Maybe you should do that for a while? Then you have money and you can search for another job while doing a job! Oh my god I'm a genius!" Dinah exclaimed and clapped her hands.

"Awesome idea Cheechee, but I can't garden! We live in an apartment for fucks sake!"

"Language Camila." Ally scolded, "You can try Mila. C'mon everyone knows how to water plants and mown the grass. Try it. If it sucks you quit."

"Maybe you're right, Dinah fix it! Call your girlfriend and say her friend got herself a gardener!"

"A gardener?"

"Papi please, it's only for a short time so I can pay my rent."

"Mija, we paid a lot for your college. I just expected that you would become a teacher and make lot money." He said in his thick Cuban accent.

One Night ( CAMREN - Camila G!P )Where stories live. Discover now