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Lauren sighed deeply as she walked down the marble stairs. Dressed in a long black dress with golden decorations. Gold high pumps. Her black soft hair up high in a tight bun. On her left hand, on her ring finger, no wedding ring. But a golden, diamont, too much, exclusive 5,000 dollar ring and a Cartier bracelet.

Lauren looked classy, expensive.

And Camila's eyes were very much liking it. Camila was on her way to the frontdoor as she heard Lauren's pumps coming down the marble stairs. Camila's eyes immediatly fixated on Lauren. She licked her lips and quirked an eyebrow. Camila bit her lip, as she debated if she should say something or not.

"You look... beautiful." Camila whispered but it resound into the hall.

Lauren slightly gulped as she noticed Camila standing there, clearly with lust in her eyes. She stopped her tracks to look at her.

"You can leave Camila." Lauren said as she noticed on the big modern clock on the wall it was already 4pm.

Camila nodded and sighed, "I know, I just-"

"Hey babe." A male rapsy voice was heard. Mr. Tomlinson came out of the kitchen and offerd his hand to Lauren to walk further of the stairs. Lauren took his hand and stepped the last steps of the stairs. Her heels clicking against the marble. Mr. Tomlinson wore a suit vest, a grey polo underneath it and a dress pants. His shoes were white and his hair was messy but still looked styled.

Mr. Tomlinson gave Lauren a kiss on the cheek and put his arm around her waist. He smiled and looked at Camila. "You can leave now Karla. Thank you for your help."

Camila gritted her teeth at the sight and the name he called her. Didn't she told him the first time that she perferred Camila? Whatever, she shrugged her shoulders. "It's my job but thanks."

Mr. Tomlinson looked at Lauren, who was looking through her phone and smirked, "You don't need to come in tomorrow. We will wake up late."

Camila tried to stop herself from rolling her eyes and fake smiled at the couple. "Thank you Mr and Mrs Tomlinson. I'll see you on monday."

Mr. Tomlinson nodded and waited till Camila was outside. Louis nudged Lauren, "Look this is what you have to do tonight..."

Lauren laughed flirtly as Mr. Malik, Zayn told her a joke in her ear. Lauren let her hands fall on his lap and he looked up at Lauren and smirked. Lauren has been flirting with him for a whole two hours now. When will Louis be ready upstairs?

Meanwhile upstairs, Louis and hus bussiness partner, Liam Payne were on Mr. Malik's computer.

"Now make a transaction to our secret bankaccount." Liam clicked on certain buttons and typed in some things only he could, smiled and leaned back in the deskchair.

"Done. 1 million dollars."

Louis smirked and patted his back,
"Now let's go downstairs. My wife will be waiting for me."

Liam laughed, "Maybe she is also upstairs with Malik." He winked and Louis scoffed,

"Lauren is only good to distract our victims." Louis said as he opened the door and looked around in the hallway before walking into the hall.

Liam frowned, "Tomlinson. That's not nice."

Louis laughed as he walked downstairs back to the party, "Kylie fucks me better anyway. What I need now, is a drink."

Liam shook his head, "No, no, no. We need to leave right now. Malik's assistent is gonna notice soon that the money is going to another account."

Louis sighed, "A hard working man never stops working. Fine." He mumbled and walked outisde and called his wife.


"Lauren, we are done. Come outside. We need to leave now."

There was silence for a while and Lauren was mumbling something and a male groan could be heard.

"I'll be there soon."

As they sat in Liam's purple lamborghino, Louis looked to the backseat to Lauren. "What took you so long?"

"Mr. Malik, didn't really want me to leave this soon so he tried to keep me there."

Louis chuckled, "What a thirsty man."

Liam smirked and looked in his rearmirror, "Maybe he just got good taste."

Lauren laughed, "Thanks Liam." Harry winked and Louis scoffed.

"You're mine Lauren." Louis stated.

Louis thrusts hurted Lauren. Camila's gentle but still rough, when Lauren wanted them to be rough, were missed by Lauren. Her hands holded her husband back as she fake moaned and came early, together with him.

It had been 7 months since they had sex. And Lauren hasn't missed it, she missed sex with Camila though. She fucked her good. Louis was really selfish and sometimes she questions herself why she married him. Why she stayed with him.

But Lauren then remembers times when they were happy, where he actually helped Lauren get back on her feet. Loved her. Loved him. She then remembers why she stayed with him, she wanted a child. But that wasn't as easy as before anymore.

One Night ( CAMREN - Camila G!P )Where stories live. Discover now