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Camila sat by the bar next to her friend Dinah, "You should loosen up a little Mila!"

Camila sighed and looked at her drink, "I know Cheechee, I just can't forget about Ariana."

Dinah rolled her eyes and turned around on her barstool facing the club. "It's your birthday Mila! Live a little! Get a real alcoholic drink. And not some Breezer. Waitress, get us some Tequilla shots please! It's someones birthday!" The crowd around us at the bar went wild as the waitress filled a whole plateau with Tequilla shots. Dinah took 6 Tequilla shots of it and placed it in front of us. She gestured to the people next to us to take a shit of the plateau. Dinah smirked and slapped her hand on my back slightly, "C'mon Mila. I want you to get laid. Forget about Ariana Bitch. Just enjoy your birthday for once." Camila hoped Ally would come to rescue her soon but she was into the guy that was behind the bar.

After the three shots of Tequilla, Camila was fucked up.

She had to know she couldn't handle Tequilla. She was a light weight. She didn't drink much and for sure not strong beverages. She stumbled to the ladies room and sighed deeply as she looked at herself in the mirror. She closed her eyes and tried to breath even. Trying to not let the alcohol take over control.

"Happy birthday." She heard a raspy, deep voice whispering in her ear. She quickly opened her eyes and turned her head to her side almost making her break her neck.

"Who are you?" The Latina asked as she looked at the woman. Her hair was raven black. Camila wondered if she had dyed it. Cause if the woman did dye it, Camila would tell her to do it more cause it made her more attractive. Camila noticed her plump lips that were covered with blood red lipstick. And it must've been some expensive one 'cause it was still perfectly covering her lips.

Her black dress fitted her so well, Camila licked her lips as she noticed the woman's curves. Her dress making her hips look more wide, Camila wanted to run her hands over them slowly making her way to the woman's center. And her eyes.


Camila thought her eyes were the most attractive parts of her. She was almost getting drowned in them. If she would ask Camila to do anything now, she would do it. Her eyes sucked her into a world where she would obey the woman and would do anything for her. It was like they were taking her to another planet.

Camila gulped as the woman took a step closer and put her hands on Camila's hips pushing her against the sink. The woman chuckled and a smirk was playing on her lips, "You don't need to know my name." She whispered in her ear and she kissed Camila's earlobe. "I want you." She mumbled against Camila's neck. Her lips grazed over her neck.

She kissed her neck and slowly made her way towards Camila's lips, wich she gave a small peck.

Camila's hands took a grip on the woman's hair and pushed the woman closer to her again, making their lips collide. Camila felt like she was in heaven. She closed her eyes and felt the woman's tongue invading her mouth. Camila opened her mouth a little and let the woman play with her tongue. Camila's hands were placed on the woman's cheek. As soo  as Camila moaned in the kiss, the woman pulled away and chuckled, "Follow me." She said and turned around walking into a stall. Camila gulped and followed the woman. She looked into those emerald eyes. Camila wanted to see those eyes forever. She never wanted to look in other ones. She remembered Ariana's dark brown eyes. They were dull, there was never a sign of want or affection in them. But when Camila looked at these eyes she felt wanted, her green eyes scream for lust, her eyes screamed: "Let me fuck you."

"Let me fuck you right here." She said and pushed Camila against the wall of the toilet stall. Camila felt her dick twitch in her boxers. She blushed and was embarresed. But when she pushed herself against Camila to kiss her again, she gasped. Camila looked down embarresed but before she could apologize for being a freak. The woman gasped and let her hands travel to her package. "Is this.. what I think it is?" The woman asked and squeezed it. Camila groaned and nodded, "hmm yes." She moaned. The woman was caught by surprise but the package in Camila's boxers didn't stop her. She pulled Camila's dress up and quickly pulled down her boxers. Camila moaned as she felt the woman's soft lips touch her tip. "Hmm yes. More." She moaned and knotted her fingers in her raven black hair. She pushed the woman closer to her, making her gag. Camila moaned as she felt the woman's throat touching the tip of her dick. "Hmm mami, si si si. Que rico. Suck my dick." The woman stopped and Camila groaned at the lost of the warmth around her. "Why did you stop?" She moaned and the woman shook her head.

"I'm in control. Go sit on the toilet." Camila did as she was told. She was captivated by the emerald eyes of the woman. As soon as she sat down, the woman pushed up her dress and pulled out her lace red thong. She threw the thong towards Camila who was totally shocked. The woman threw up her legs and sat down on Camila's cock. Slowly, inch by inch she took all of Camila in hers. Camila moaned as the tip was met with the warmth and wet woman. The woman moaned and pushed her hair to the side.

"Aah fuck me." Camila moaned and her hands met the woman's breasts. She squeezed them slightly and Camila's touch made the woman moan. Her pace went slower but Camila didn't mind. She pulled the female's dress down and pulled her breasts out of her red lace bra. Camila licked her lips and pinched her nipples softly. The woman's head whipped her head backwards and screamed. Camila kissed the woman's lips quickly- not wanting to get caught. Camila let her hands go to the woman's beautifully curved hips. She made the pace faster and Camila was almost at her high.

"Voy a venir!" Camila moaned in the woman's ear. The woman moaned, "Damelo duro." She mumbled and Camila thrusted harder and faster. The woman going together with Camila's thrusts. Camila groaned as she felt the woman's walls clench around her cock.

"Fuck." The woman cursed as she felt Camila's fluid filled her up. Camila groaned and kissed the woman's lips tenderly.

Camila opened her eyes and saw those captivating eyes staring into her dull brown eyes. Camila sighed contently. She pulled up her boxers and pulled down her dress. Camila noticed that the woman's lipstick wasn't so perfect anymore. It was smeared out. I licked my fingertip and fixed the lipstick on the corner of her lips. "You should fix that before you go back in there." Camila whispered.

The woman gulped as Camila's fingers touched her lips slightly. She nodded, "Bye."

Camila sighed as the woman closed the door of the toilet stall. She heard the door of the ladies room close and walked out of the stall. She looked at herself in the mirror and put some lipgloss on her lips. She smirked as she noticed the small red pecks of the woman's lips on her neck. She touched them carefully and walked out.

"Walz!" Dinah laughed as she arrived at the booth she was now sitting in together with Ally and the guy who she was flirting with. Next to Dinah was a chocolate skinned woman. She wore a red, revealing dress. Dinah had her arm around her shoulder. "This is Normani." Dinah tried to yell over the music.

"I'm Camila, nice to meet you." Camila said and gave the girl who was now snuggled in Dinah's neck a smile. Normani nodded and Camila sat down next to Ally. She took a sip of a beer that stood on the table and her eyes scanned the crowd, trying to look for the mysterious woman. Camila licked her lips as she saw her, dancing on her own. Her hands knotted in her hair. Her ass and hips swaying to the beat. Camila's eyes gimlet into the woman's ass. Camila took a sip of her drink and leaned back in the booth.

"Did our little Mila get laid?!" Dinah yelled and laughed loudly . Camila cringed, "Dinah mind the volume?" Camila yelled just above the music.

"I'm not so sure it's little Dinah." Ally winked and Dinah gasped, "Oh my god Ally!" Camila slapped Ally's arm. Ally laughed, "I'm sorry Mila, but close the bathroom door next time, will ya?" She winked at Camila. "You saw..?!" Dinah exclaimed as she let out a high pitched scream.

"God Dinah." Camila covered her ears and closed her eyes. Ally laughed, "hmhm, and I can tell you. It wasn't little." Camila looked at the two friends Dinah and Ally sat next to. They both looked confused and she hoped Dinah isn't that drunk that she would tell that Camila's got a dick.
Camila pushed Dinah in the cab and made her fell next to Normani. Camila laughed and hopped in next to Dinah.

Camila leaned towards the driver and said the adress of their apartment.
Ally and Troy, drove to his apartment with his car. She said two couples would've been tough on me.

Camila remembered the smell of the raven haired woman. The mix of perfume, alcohol and cigarettes made Camila lose her breath. Camila regretted not asking her name or phone number. But the woman didn't look like she was from around this area. She looked like a model. And Camila couldn't remember seeing her on a billboard or magazine cover. Maybe she wasn't a model but damn she had the looks for it. Camila sighed and looked out of the window. She would never see the woman again. Camila knew it was only sex, but still she wanted more of the woman. Maybe not romantically but she wanted more nights like this. Camila felt a punch in her side and she took a look to the two girls next to her who were making out like there was no tomorrow. "Keep your hands to yourself Dinah Jane."

Dinah's lips disconnected from Normani and snapped, "I'm not the blame for your blue balls Mila. You also could've taken someone home. But you did not." And Dinah stuck out her tongue to Camila.

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