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"Lauren I need you tonight."

Lauren quickly turned around and sighed content to find her husband standing with her in the kitchen.

"For what Louis?" She said in her raspy voice and turned back around to make some sandwiches.

"It's a dinner tonight at Mr Malik's house. We have to get this deal, otherwise we have to close bussines."

Lauren turned back around and lifted up an eyebrow, "You need me to turn him on again?"

Louis nodded and stepped closer to his wife, placing his hands on her waist.

"I already told you I won't do it again Louis." Lauren said formal and pushed him away slightly.

"Baby..." he wined and stomped his right foot softly. "One more time. When you lead him on, me and Harry can go upstairs, make a transaction to my bankaccount and bam!"

"Always about this stupid money." Lauren mumbled and sighed. "Okay but this is the last time. I hope for you that it's a fucking young guy 'cause if he's old and dirty I won't do it."

"He's a young man Lauren, I promise."

"It better fucking be." Lauren snapped and walked out of the kitchen, in to the yard were her friends were already laying on the deckchairs.

"What are you doing girls?" Lauren asked and placed the sandwiches on the table besides the deckchairs.

"Enjoying the view..." Kendall said, bit her bottom lip and looked over her Prada sunglasses towards the swimming pool. Lauren followed her friends their gaze and stopped when she saw Camila standing by the pool. Again only wearing her sportbra and some basketball shorts. Lauren bit her bottom lip and licked her lips. She remembered their night at the motel again and blushed slightly.

"Oh my god, you totally fucked her again!"

"I did not!" Lauren yelled back at Normani who laughed at her response.

"You did, I can read it on your face. God Lauren, why?!"

"First of all, she fucked me. Second of all why the fuck not." Lauren groaned and sat on her deckchair by the pool.

"Because you are married!" Kendall whispered and Lauren laughed.

"Yeah Louis doesn't even fuck me anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if he was cheating on me too."

"That's no excuse Lauren..." Kendall said and sighed deeply.

At the other side of the pool Camila heard everything the three friends were saying to each other. Camila couldn't believe Lauren, was her husband really not having sex with her? Camila could hardly believe that. Lauren is such a sexy and beautiful woman. Camila could hardly believe someone could ever resist her. She looked down to Lauren winked at her. She smirked when she heard Lauren's two friends gasp and went back to work.


"So Lauren, tell me about it what and when did it happen?" Normani asked as she sat on Lauren's bed by the window watching Camila planting some flowers.

"What Normani?"

"You and Camila, yesterday."

"Well.." Lauren sighed and put on a black revealing dress with some gold decorations. "... I couldn't resist her. She looked so sexy." Lauren bit her lip and blushed slightly for being so blunt.

"Was it hot?" Normani asked curious and had a smile from ear to ear.

"Soo hot. Her cock was-"

"Her what?!" Normani yelled, "Can you repeat that please?!"

"She's got a dick, there I said it." Lauren said casual and sighed. Normani took a look out of the window to Camila who know was drinking some water. 

"God, that's so hot!" Normani bit her lip and looked at Lauren, "Is it big?" She whispered.

Lauren smirked and blushed slightly, "mhmm" She hummed and nodded, "At least 11 inch."

Normani's mouth dropped open, "Damn Lauren." Normani licked her lips and frowned her eyebrows as she looked through the window, "She's got a dick oh my god. How does that happen?"

"I don't know Mani." Lauren licked her lips and continued, "We are fuck buddies. I don't need to know her personal life." Lauren said and felt a pang in her chest. Actually she would love to get to know Camila better. But she just knew that would never happen due to her marriage.

"Stop lying Lauren, we all know you like her. Otherwise you wouldn't meet up with her again."

Lauren chuckled and shook her head as she turned her back towards the window, towards Camila. "I meet up with her because she fucks good. That's all."

Normani helded her hands up in defense and chuckled, "Okay, If that's what you want."

One Night ( CAMREN - Camila G!P )Where stories live. Discover now